25 April 2016

Two months!

Benson is two months!

He is such a sweet baby and gives the best cuddles.

He weighs 14 pounds and 2 ounces (90%) and is 25 and 1/4 inches tall (99%)! He is a full 2 pounds heavier and 2 inches taller than what Tucker was at this point!
He gained more than 3 pounds in one month! Tucker was always pretty consistently in the average percentile for weight (50s) and high 90s for height. So it's fun to have such a chubby little guy! I could just munch on his chubby rolls all day.

He wears 3-6 months clothes and is now in size two diapers. We have some newborn cloth diapers but he isn't quite big enough for them yet.

He is eating about every 2.5-3 hours during the day and going anywhere from 3-5.5 hours at night, usually only waking twice but occasionally once more than that. The last two nights he has only woken once and went an almost 6 hour stretch last night! It was glorious.

He has a bunch of fun nicknames- Benz, Benny, baby button, little buggas, baby b, big Benny, and more I'm sure.

He loves to eat and his big belly and chubby thighs are definitely evidence of that!

He hasn't started regularly smiling but had handed out a few here and there and they absolutely melt me!

There's no sign of any hair loss so far!

He had a pretty bad flare up of baby acne and has some cradle cap on his scalp. Hopefully it goes away soon.

When he's happy and awake during the day, he has started discovering his voice with little squeals.

He loves to look around and be held facing outwards.

He is still really great at holding his head!

After he eats, he is almost always really fussy and colicky. I suspected gas, but have tried everything I know to help and it almost never does. I am going to ask his doctor today if she might write him a prescription for zantac (for reflux). My friends baby bad all the same symptoms and went on zantac and it seemed to help him. If that doesn't help, then I might start eliminating things from my diet to see if that helps… Let's hope it isn't that!
**I just got back from his two month appointment and explained his symptoms (it helped that Benson was screaming pretty much the entire time I was talking to the doctor… So he didn't doubt me) and he agreed that he suspects it might be reflux. So now we are going to try the twice daily zantac and I'm praying it helps! It should only take a couple days for it to take full effect. Fingers crossed!

My favorite time of day are when Tucker goes down for a nap and I get uninterrupted Benny snuggles. It's the best. And we love Saturdays when daddy is home and can have a morning cuddle in our bed.

Tucker loves his “baby budder” and helping give him his binky and covering him with a blanket. And every day he wakes up he asks for “bent-sin” or “button”. (Both are ways he says Benson's name)

Can't wait to see how much he grows and learns this month!