22 September 2014

Three months!

As of yesterday, 
Tucker boy is three months old now!

Every day he is learning new things and we are learning more, too!

Tuck is getting so big! We haven't had an appointment since his two month and won't have one till his four month when he has to get shots again, He was around 12 pounds and 23 inches then. We are pretty sure he weighs a little more than 14 pounds but we have no idea how long he is- that's a little harder to find out. :)

Tuck loves:
-Having his diaper changed. Funny, right? but something about it calms him down. 
-Being naked :)
-Warm baths
-His swing
-Car rides
-Stroller rides
-Really any movement. And music!
-His alligator, Foof.

He has learned:
-Smiling!! This one absolutely melts my heart. Since last month he will respond to our silly, high-pitched crazy voices and funny faces and reward us with the hugestttt smile. He's gonna be a real heartbreaker, that's for sure.
-Giggling. Same thing- cutest ever and I about die every time.
-How to entertain himself more. Sometimes during the day I will put him in his swing or on his playmat so I can get a few things done, and I can hear him squealing and giggling and babbling away from the other room. Usually, he is looking at pretty much nothing- but he's pretty darn happy most of the time, so I'll take it. :)
-Where his hands are. He has started shoving almost his entire fist in his mouth to suck on it. It is pretty darn cute and funny. He will ball up his little fist and sometimes start it up by his forehead and work it down his face until he finds his mouth. Too cute.
-Fake crying. This one is pretty entertaining. He will do these "wahhhh" sounds and make a sad face, then look around to see if I am looking or worried. Haha. Clever little dude.
-Holding his head up when in the sitting position. He had gotten kinda lazy (up until the last few days) at holding his head up at tummy time. But he lovessss sitting like a "big boy" facing wherever the "action" is. He holds his head up great like this! He also loves "standing". He will jump up and down like crazy when we hold him in the standing position.
-Kick and kick like crazy. He recently got a play mat and has figured out how to kick every single toy and bar that makes up the playmat. Or just lying on his back, he will kick and flail his arms around like crazy. Wish I had that kind of energy!

He is now:
-Eating around 4-5 ounces every feeding and more at night.
-Waking up once a night. Hopefully sometime in the next couple months he'll decide he wants to sleep through the night. :) He will go down around 10-11 and wake up to eat anywhere around 1-3. Then he will usually wake up again around 6-7 and eat and then I'll put him back down and he will sometimes sleep till 9:45! We are still working on the afternoon nap in his crib, but he for sure gets tired around 2 or 3 ish and could take like a two hour nap. Today, for example, he slept later in the morning and then didn't go down for an afternoon nap, after much crying and waiting, I just got him out and put him in his swing. He entertained himself for a while and finally fell asleep probably a half hour ago. He is still sleeping away looking as sweet as ever. :)
-Grown out of his 0-3 month clothes! I packed some stuff away the other day and got super sad! I can't believe how quickly my baby is growing! He is wearing 3-6 month clothes, but is probably on the larger end of that. Gotta prepare myself for the colder months to come and find him some warm clothes!

We are loving our sweet boy and have so much fun every day learning from him. He is teaching us how to be better and we are learning more and more how to open our hearts and grow from this love. I feel so lucky to be able to be with him every day. Even on days when I am exhausted and feel like I can't do anything right, I look at his sweet, smiling little face and I know I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be.

We love you, sweet boy!

the best is yet to come.