24 October 2016

Benson is eight months!

Benzy boy is EIGHT MONTHS today!

He is about 20 pounds and at least 30 inches!

He wears size 9 or 12 month clothing, 12 month most comfortably. I'm having to pack away so many things and it makes me sad!

He is almost in cloth full time, except during the night time. And he has almost outgrown the smallest sizes of the cloth diapers.

He is sleeping much better! (Hallelujah!) We were traveling for almost a solid month (seriously). We went to the beach for a week and then were gone for family things every other weekend for the whole month so I couldn't solidly commit to sleep training him until the last few weeks. He has done great! We are on much more of a schedule. He has two naps, one morning and then one when Tucker has one (or is supposed to have one at least).
He wakes up once in the middle of the night and once in the early morning to eat. I haven't cut out night feeds yet since he was eating so often in the night, I've been wanting to try and wean them slowly. So when he goes down to bed (anywhere between 7:30-8:30/9 I will set a timer (mentally) that he has to sleep at least four hours before he could wake up and i would feed him and if he wakes up before then, I let him cry. If it's been four hours or longer, I get up and feed him and lay him back down and repeat the process. Depending on when he wakes up in the morning, I will lay him back down after feeding him. So usually if it's anywhere between 7-8 I will lay him down and he will sleep and extra 1-2 hours.
Slowly I will start to increase that increment of time and hopefully he will be sleeping through the night soon but for now it's working! He even slept 9 straight hours the other night!

He is OBSESSED with food and loves eating! We have been feeding him pretty much three times a day. And he loves everything he's tried.
He is also still nursing usually every 2-4 hours a day.

He has almost mastered sitting up! He is still a little wild and I don't completely trust him but he should probably get it perfected this month.

He is still super ticklish and has the best belly laugh. Sometimes he busts out laughing for no reason at all. My favorite.

Tucker is probably his favorite person.

He has gotten really good at doing big push ups and has started kinda sucking his knees under himself. He can move himself backwards and side to side and pivot but still no crawling. Maybe this month?? Who knows. He's in no hurry. Haha.

He loves bath time with Tucker!

He loves having a swaddle blankie by his face when he sleeps.

He tried the swing this month and loves it!

He had his first big haircut! He looks so much more like Tuck now!

He had two little teeth pop through and they are adorable.

He went to Saint George for the third time and the Beaver cabin for the second time! (He's been quite the traveler this month)

We are only mildly obsessed with him and he is the sweetest, best little bud! We love you, Benny boy!