20 June 2015

365 days with Tucker.

The day has come! Our sweet boy is ONE year old! 
At this point, he has already been one for over half the day!

I can hardly believe that 365 days have passed since I first met this little angel. I remember this day a year ago like it was yesterday. I was so stressed and busy with other things. I had just finished my last day of work the day before and though I would have a few good weeks to prepare. I had two appointments that day to be checked up on and was worried about the baby shower that was for the following day. I had no idea that my world was about to be rocked. Tucker ended up coming the very beginning of the very next day.

If I could, I would go back and relive that day ten times over. Laboring with him was the most amazing experience and I truly treasure those memories. I remember being so miserably pregnant but not fully realizing it until Tucker was here. Taylor would often say how truly happy and realieved I looked after he was born. Like all the pain was magically gone. I guess I wore it more on my face and demeanor than I thought. 

Seeing him for the first time set my heart on fire. He was so perfect and tiny and all mine. I felt a new sense of being. I was a mother. He gave me that. I was about to embark on the most challenging, amazing, and fulfilling journey in my life. Knowing him and who he is now, I know he was meant for our family. And was absolutely meant to come when he did. I don't think God makes mistakes. His timing is perfect. And Tucker was a testament to that. I needed him just as much as he needed me.

These last 12 months have truly challenged Taylor and I in many ways. There is no way around it- parenting is SO hard. You are constantly having to care for someone else's needs. Your needs are put second. Always. In the beginning, it was a total shock and turned our world upside down. Not only were we caring for this little baby, but we were caring for a little baby who needed to be on oxygen and a heart monitor. We couldn't really go anywhere and I didn't dare go anywhere alone. I had to learn to find happiness even when I was stuck in my home all day long. 

In this last year, Tucker has taught me so much. He has helped me realize: just how strong I am, how little sleep I can survive on, how patient I can (and cannot) be, how to be trusting, how to forgive, how to trust and rely on God, how to be humble, how to put someone else's needs before my own, how to love even more, and how to be a mother. I have never laughed, cried, or joyed as much as I have in this last year. Not only is it Tucker's birthday, but it is the anniversary of the day I became a mother- and I feel honored to share this day with him.

He has brought so much joy and happiness into our lives. If every baby we have ends up being like him, I might never wanna stop! So happy to be able to celebrate his life and look forward to all the fun and exciting times ahead that we will have with him.


We love you buddy boy!

At ONE year:

Tucker weighs about 23 pounds and is around 32 inches tall.
He wears 18-24 month clothing.

We are always saying how he is just days (or maybe weeks really) from figuring out walking. He is still pretty nervous and won't stand on his own if he can help it. We have gotten him to let go of support and stand alone, but as soon as he figures out he is not being supported, he will sit down. He loves his walker, however, and will crawl up to it all day long and walk around our apartment as much as he can.

He loves to clap and wave. He will clap if he likes something or if prodded, and he waves hi and bye (normally) when asked. He will flirt with strangers and wave to anyone that he sees and likes. He has started pointing at things as well.

He loves to play peekaboo. He will squat down behind just about anything and then pop back up to 'scare' you. He loves being chased by daddy and crawling in circles to 'find' him. 

He is mildly obsessed with baby einstein. I will put it on the ipad while I am making him his meals to keep him preoccupied for a couple minutes and then he will be so into it that he won't notice when the food is finally there! He waves at the little puppets and claps and smiles when he likes parts. 

We started him on whole milk a couple weeks ago because we were at the end of our formula and I didn't want to buy another and I thought he was close enough that it was fine. He loves it now! At first he was apprehensive about it, and didn't drink very much the first few days. Now he will down a bottle- even when it's ice cold!

He can say: dada, mama, hey, no, uh oh, ball, dog, tickle, tucker, toe, (we say "tickle tucker's toesies" a lot) woah, oh wow, hi da

He loves other babies and small kids. He will crawl around during our church meeting and find the other little people to play with. Usually he's chasing the cute little girls ;)

Still taking two naps a day (sometimes one really long one depending on the day) and sleeping around 12 hours at night.

He loves going to the grocery store and sitting in the buggy, going to the park to swing, and swimming. He would dive in the deep end and swim away if we let him. He wants SO bad to be in the water that we have to keep such a sharp eye on him. We have taken him to the pool a few times this summer already and you can hardly keep him out of the water! We will probably have to get him in swim lessons come next summer!

He gives such nice loves, hugs, and kisses when he's sleepy or when he feels like it ;) and his little belly laugh still makes the world go round. 

We love this little boy!

The best has yet to come.