23 November 2014

five months!

Tucker is five months (and a few days)!

He was just recently sick with the croup so we had to visit the doctor. He was 16 pounds 10 ounces then, so he is probably close to 17 pounds now. And still tall! Probably 27 or 28 inches I bet. 

He is doing better now- after getting both his momma and dad sick, little stinker. 

At FIVE months, Tucker:

is eating "solids". Taylor always thinks this is so funny. When I told him Tucker could start solid foods and proceeded to get out the mashed up fruits and veggies, we both had a little laugh. But Tuck totally has loved everything! I plan on making my own food, but until I know what he likes, I wasn't about to go and make a bunch of stuff he wouldn't eat. So far he loves: carrots, squash, peas, sweet potato, banana, apple, pear, peaches + banana, and carrots + squash. His favorite by far was pears! I love feeding him and watching him trying to grab my hand to shove the spoon in quicker.

has lost the majority of his hair. This makes me so sad. Haha. He is rocking a little baby mullet and this funny little wispy unicorn hair thing. But you can already see the new hair growing in. It's looking pretty light, too! Maybe he'll be a blondie? Can't wait to see!

is rolling over! He has been able to roll from front to back for a couple months but has just recently go the hang of back to front. He doesn't do it all the time and will get frustrated and give up a lot, but he has done it the most when I am out of the room!

is wearing 9 month clothes! Or even bigger sometimes. He can still fit in his 6 month clothes but 9 month almost fits him better. Ah crazy. I think it is mostly because he is tall. 

is a sqealing little squealer! He loves to scream at us and make little faces and have us mimic the noise back to him. I feel like he is going to be one of those kids that just keeps talking and talking...I can't wait :)

will sit up with a little support. I think within the next month or two he will hopefully master sitting by himself. 

loves, loves bath time. We have just recently started bathing him every night instead of every other night. He figured out that he can splash and play and so he loves to have longer baths to play a little bit. 

has discovered himself in a mirror. Before bath time, we strip him down and let him look at himself in the mirror. It is THE cutest thing. he raises his arms up and squeals when he sees himself. So cute.

still loves being naked! :)

eats around 6 or more ounces every 3-5 hours. He is a big eater and loves his bottle.

sleeps through the night like a champ. He will go down a little bit before we go to sleep and then wake up when we do or a little after. 

still is not a very good napper. Working on it. He does NOT like napping in his crib. He will sleep in my arms or in the car but for some reason during the day he does not like his crib. 

is getting better at grabbing things and playing with toys. He will stand in our lap and grab our faces or clothes. 

has become a tough nut to crack! He used to laugh a pretty much anything, but now he is more selective with his laughs. If you tickle his ribs or inner thighs, that will get him every time. And he loves patty cake. But he is very generous with his smiles. He is a total flirt. 

might be teething. He gnaws on anything he can get in his mouth. And has recently been more ornery and waking up in the night. Hopefully it isn't too much worse than it has been. No sign of teeth yet though.

Also- I entered Tuck in the Gerber Baby photo search! I know it's totally long shot, but I do think he is the cutest baby in the whole world and think it would be the coolest thing in the whole entire world if he won. So if you have a spare second, just click here  and vote or the link is on my facebook as well! And vote every day! Takes only a couple seconds, and you'd really be doing us a huge favor. 

This week is Thanksgiving- another first for Tucker! We are so excited to go down to Glenwood to celebrate with Taylor's family and then to Delta to see all of his dad's side of the family as well. 

And one month from today we are leaving for North Carolina to spend Christmas with my siblings! Tucker will get to meet his cousins and his other Aunts and Uncles! It will be Tuck's first plane ride and it will be the farthest East that Taylor has ever been (in the US). We are SO excited!

And about two months from now, Taylor's sister Jess gets home from her LDS mission in Spokane, WA! We are SO excited! I can't wait for her to meet Tuck! 

SO many exciting things coming up!

Until next month!

The best has yet to come.