11 January 2016

30 weeks!!

How far along: 30 weeks! Single digits for sure now!

Maternity clothes: Anything loose and comfy is a must.  

Stretch marks: No new ones. The old ones have gotten a tad bit darker though.

Sleep: Just a lot of tossing and turning.

Best moment this week: Taylor and I went out to dinner and the BYU basketball game for Taylor’s birthday. We had sushi (I caved) and it was delicious!

Worst moment this week: I've still been feeling kinda cruddy sick still.

Movement:  He never stops moving I feel like! And I love it.

Food cravings: Anything and everything. Ha. Bread especially. In any of its forms.

Aversions: No, but I still won't eat yogurt.    

Queasy/Sick: Not other than the recent sickness I've been trying to get over.

Other Symptoms: Heartburn, especially if I don't take my zantac at the right time. Uncomfortable-ness.  

Gender: BOY!

Labor signs: Nope!  

Belly button - in or out? The top part has popped out and will look more popped out if I've eaten a bigger meal haha.

What I miss: Can't think of anything really! Maybe more energy??

What I am looking forward to: And my best friends are throwing me a little baby shower/party next month! (Fun fact: I've never ever had a baby shower! Tucker was born the day I was supposed to have my one and only shower, so I'm so excited about this!)

Milestones:  We are for certain in the single digits for weeks until he is here! So excited about that!

Other mentionables-
Baby is at (most likely over now) 4 pounds!

He is as big as a cabbage.

Almost 16 inches long.
Baby can see!

He gets the hiccups multiple times a day. I can tell he is still head down from how I feel him hiccuping so low every day.

Moved all the furniture into his room and just have to decorate and get a crib mattress!

We STILL haven't decided on a name- it will probably take us the entire time to decide.

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