09 November 2015

21 weeks!

How far along21 weeks!

Total Weight Gain/LossAbout ten pounds at this point. Gonna take this question off soon...haha. 

Maternity clothes: Yes, finally! This weekend I wanted to go try on some maternity jeans. My jeans still fit but due to the growing size of my tummy, the button part sits lower and I don't have maternity shirts and so I didn't want the problem of being able to see my belly under my shirts! So we were going to go to H&M to get some, but stopped by Motherhood Maternity first. I found some jean leggings (they're just stretchy but look just like jeans!) and they are soooo comfy! And cute! I was actually surprised I liked them! And we found some sweaters/shirts, too! Taylor is so sweet and complimented me on everything. It's amazing the difference in wearing clothes that are made for the body you have! Haha, DUH! I'm excited to wear the new stuff! 

Stretch marks: I don't think so, but I am getting itchy sides and have to start putting on moisturizer or I'm worried I'll make matters worse!

Sleep: Aggh. Terrible this week. Saturday I woke up at 5:15 and couldn't go back to sleep. I was exhausted. I might have cried. Haha. And I've been sick and that's made sleeping really difficult. 

Best moment this week: This week has been rough because I've been sick all week. But Saturday I thought I was maybe better and we had a fun day running errands and being together. 

Worst moment this week:  So sick allll week. It's progressed through different (all not fun) stages. I had this same cruddy sickness when I was pregnant with Tuck during the morning sickness stint. Let's just say, without giving detail, it was extremely unpleasant. So it's basically been that same thing. Luckily I see my OB tomorrow and I'm going to ask if they can give me a z-pack or something to help because I am desperate. 

Movement: I have been feeling tons! He's moving right now actually! I could stay up forever and feel these movements. I've even been able to see a few small ones! This boy tends to be more active at night I've noticed. 

Food cravings: I have been wanting veggies like crazy. Mostly the frozen kind you cook. I ate a bowl of peas with a little butter and pepper with my lunch a few times this week. So yummy. And I've had an open faces tomato toast sandwich for lunch almost every day. Delish! 

Aversions: Not much if anything. Still don't really eat yogurt.  

Queasy/Sick: Sunday I actually felt pretty nauseous on top of being sick. 

Other Symptoms: Forgetfulness is ever constant. Fatigue.   

Gender: BOY!

Labor signs: Nope!  

Belly button - in or out? In. But stretching out! 

What I miss: Being not sick.   

What I am looking forward to: Ultrasound again next week!! 

Milestones: First pair of maternity jeans (this pregnancy)! 
How cute is he?!

At my appointment today, everything looked great! Baby boy is measuring exactly 21 weeks which is perfect. Apparently, however, my uterus is humongous. Hah. She pointed to where the baby's head is and then the top of my uterus and it is right in the middle of my stomach! Wayyyy high. Usually it would be around an inch or so above the belly button but I guess mine is a few inches higher. So that's why I have felt like I've exploded the last couple weeks. So baby is right on track but my fundal height (inches of your belly) is 2 weeks ahead. Luckily the baby will catch up with the size of my uterus and it doesn't have much space to get taller but it definitely will keep growing! 

Tomorrow is my endocrinologist appointment so I'm hoping all that goes well! I have finally started to hit the insulin resistance and that has been rough. It's always a guessing game and I'm just trying to eat as healthy as possible and stay on top of it!

Pray for baby and I to stay healthy!

Until next week :) 


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