13 October 2018

McKay at two months!

Two months already?!

How is time going by so fast?! It's crazy and sad! But also exciting.

At two months, McKay-

Is just slightly under 12 pounds (43%) and is 24.25 inches (94%) and a big head (97%)!

He is in 0-3 month clothes and size one diapers. His 0-3 clothes with feet are almost too small length wise! He's a tall boy!

He is eating every 2-3 hours during the day (or more) and wakes up on average once a night. He is especially hungry at night and likes to cluster feed before bed.

His thighs are slowly chubbing up but he still has pretty skinny calves! He also has a few extra chins this month!

He loves to be snuggled and puts his hand right in the space between "his milk" when he eats, haha.

He still doesn't cry a whole ton, but is finding his voice more. He mainly cries when he wants to eat or is sleepy.

He rolled over a couple times from belly to back. He's not the biggest fan of tummy time.

He wants to crane his neck back all the time. He loves to stare at lights, especially the "boob lights"- and that's all we have in our house haha.

Smiles!! It's getting easier to make him smile. And when he does it just melts me!! And he has even done some giggles, too. Still smiling and laughing in his sleep a lot, too.

He is not a fan of bath time yet (likes being snuggled afterward but the getting wet part is not his favorite).

He Freaks out when he gets something in his steely grip. He will accidentally grab his binky clip or my necklace and panic because it's like he doesn't know how to let go. Haha, silly boy.

Has his daddy's olive skin and momma's blue eyes and hasn't yet lost any of his dark hair! He also has the longest eyelashes! He might be a competitor of Benny's in the eyelash department.

Unless his hair hasn't been washed in a few days, it sticks up everywhere- just like his dad's.

He likes to be in the baby wrap. He isn't a fan of the car while he is awake.

He visited the Beaver cabin for the first time and experienced snow! We are going to have to get him some tiny snow/warm clothes!

It's exciting to see his personality slowly emerging and we are having so much fun seeing him get bigger!

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