13 April 2018

Weeks 17-20 for baby J #3!

How far along?
17 weeks and 2 days.

17 weeks and 2 days.

Total weight gain/loss:
about 10 pounds.

Better recently! The boys slept in almost every day last week and it was amazing!

Best moment this week:
We had our first MFM appointment which I already mentioned. And today we got the progesterone shot madness figured out which I'm SO relieved about.

Worst moment this week:
Taylor had scout camp on Friday and Saturday and was gone for a couple days, so it was just the boys and I. It's not my favorite when he goes on them cause we always miss him.

Lots the past few days!! It's pretty exciting and my favorite part.

Nauseousness is basically gone. Mostly just fatigue now. And I have been getting some cramping/round ligament pain.

Food cravings:
Nothing in particular. I just eat what sounds good in the moment. Been loving salads lately.

Food aversions:
Non-Greek yogurt.

Baby BOY!

Labor Signs:

Belly Button in or out?

What I miss:
Exercising. Which we (I) started back up last week and man! It is hard to go for so long without working out and then back into it. Makes me nervous for another postpartum journey but Ive done it before and can do it again!

What I am looking forward to:
Being halfway in about a week!!

Weekly Wisdom:
This week (today actually) we got our progesterone shot headache figured out! This medication is a specialty medication and so not every pharmacy has or makes it. Originally they sent it to a pharmacy that doesn't do it. So they asked if I wanted it sent to Walgreens or Rock Canyon pharmacy. I said Walgreens because i already do all of my prescriptions there. So then Walgreens calls me, and they tell me that they don't make it at that location or they don't have it, but that they can send it to their specialty pharmacy. So then they do that. Then the Walgreens specialty pharmacy calls me, and says they aren't contracted with my insurance plan and that retail price of the medication is 4000 dollars. Yeah right! So they give alternate pharmacy options and I call my OB back to give them the info so they can send the prescription over. Any of the ones she would've sent it to you would've had to mail it into me rather than me go pick it up. So she asks if I want to try the rock canyon pharmacy before doing that, and I said sure. So today I called that pharmacy to check on the status of the prescription, and the guy on the phone said it was ready and I could pick it up. I was confused and wondering “Don't you need my insurance information or to go over coverage and pricing with me?” And he said, “Insurances typically don't cover this medication as it is a speciality medication.” And so now I'm worried. I asked what the cost out of pocket would be and he said “Fifty four dollars...do you think that's something you'd be able to do?” And of course I almost choke and cry all at the same time! I tell him yes and that I'll pick it up tomorrow. I am seriously SO relieved. I was expecting it to be 100s or 1000s of dollars which is not something that is very realistic for us to be paying every month for 5 months! So to say I am happy about this is a dramatic understatement.

Baby is the size of a pomegranate!

How far along?
18 weeks today! (No picture this week because I forgot)

Not terrible but not the best.

Best moment this week:
Finding out my shot was going to be so affordable! And Taylor’s parents gave us their couch because they got a new one, and were excited! And we got a new rug off amazon so I'm excited for that to get here!

Worst moment this week:
Tucker was sick a couple of days! I don't really know what it was, but he had a high fever for just two days and seems to be fine now. But it's never fun when they aren't feeling well.

Yes! Lots and it's the best.

Tired. Acne. And Braxton Hicks contractions. This is a few weeks earlier than I felt them last time. They were coming for hours yesterday pretty regularly so I was a little worried. All is fine and I think I just need to remember to drink lots of water.

Food cravings:
A good salad.

Food aversions:


Labor Signs:

Belly Button in or out?

What I miss:
Warmer weather, it's been all over the place lately!

What I am looking forward to:
Just getting further along each week is exciting.

Baby is the size of a sweet potato!

How far along?
19 weeks today!

19 weeks and 2 days.

Not too bad. I’m always so tired! I just have been having to take one Benedryl at night to help me fall asleep.

Best moment this week:
This week (today actually) is Easter and this weekend is conference weekend! (for those that don’t know what that is, it is a gathering of those of the Latter-day Saint faith- and anyone, really- to listen to talks and receive guidance from modern day apostles and the Prophet...for more info you can check out www.lds.org!)
Yesterday we had my mom, sister, and brother and sister-in-law over for an early Easter dinner. It was wonderful! So much yummy food and we did a little egg hunt in our yard for the boys and then stayed up late with my brother Quin and his wife Nat playing Monopoly...I’m the worst at Monopoly and Taylor is really good so you can imagine who came first and last...haha.

Also, Taylor came with me this week to my OB to learn how to give me my progesterone shot, and so now he is going to do it every week! He was worried about hurting me (it’s a pretty big needle), but he did great and it didn’t hurt at all! I’m really grateful we can do that at home now because that makes me life significantly easier.

Worst moment this week:
Nothing I can think of, really!

Yes! He is getting more active and his movements are becoming stronger each day and week and it’s exciting for sure!

Headaches occasionally (side effect of the progesterone shot). Still dry skin and acne. Really sore muscles in my groin (sorry if that’s TMI haha. They actually refer to this as “lightning crotch” so you can maybe imagine what this feels like.)
And heartburn has reared its ugly head earlier than normal!

Food cravings:
Salads have been really great lately. And steamed veggies. But also easter candy and other not healthy stuff, haha.

Food aversions:
Scrambled eggs.


Labor Signs:

Belly Button in or out?

What I miss:
Can’t think of anything really right now.

What I am looking forward to:
My brother in law is getting married this month and weddings are always so fun! So that should be exciting!

And my birthday is in about a week and a half so I’m excited about that too!

More than halfway for me! I don’t think they will let me carry longer than 38 weeks if I happen to get that far, so this is really exciting!!

How far along?
20 weeks 4 days

20 weeks and 5 days.

Actually not bad. I am only getting up like once a night which is doable. Sometimes I don't even get up in the night, which is always nice. And I usually fall asleep pretty fast after getting up.

Best moment this week:
Taylor felt baby move for the first time!

We went to Glenwood and spent a few days with Taylor's parents and siblings and it was really fun!

And my birthday was a couple days ago!

Worst moment this week:
No complaints really!

Lots! It's getting to that point where you can see and feel the movements from the outside! Which is crazy because I feel like I'm not far enough along for that yet!!

Tired. Acne. Those are the big ones for now.

Food cravings:
Sushi sounds really good right now.

Food aversions:
Just the normal things that I usually say.

Little boy.

Labor Signs:

Belly Button in or out?

What I miss:
Having more energy!

What I am looking forward to:
Taylor and I are going on a date this weekend for my birthday and we're going to Tucanos so that should be fun. And then next week I have another appointment, and the week after I have my next ultrasound!

Baby is as big as a cantaloupe and is now being measured from head to toe instead of head to “rump”. He is 10 inches!!

Only about four more months to go!

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