13 weeks!
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13 weeks and 4 days. |
Total weight gain/loss:
5 pounds.
a little bit better this week. Not going to the bathroom as much in the night and my snoogle pillow helps.
Best moment this week:
We went on a Valentines date to get a really yummy burger and ice cream. It was so good. If you're in Utah you have to check our SevenBrothers
Worst moment this week:
I had a couple hard mom days haha. Lots of whining and fighting and I was just so over it by the end of the day.
nausea still. Fatigue. Acne- my face is breaking out so bad!
Food cravings:
French fries. Cake. Hahaha. So healthy.
Food aversions:
yogurt. Scrambled eggs.
Don't know but we find out in three weeks or so!
Labor Signs:
Belly Button in or out?
What I miss:
What I am looking forward to:
I have an appointment in a couple days to hear the heartbeat and so I'm anxious and excited.
Depending on which app you ask, I'm entering the last week of the first trimester or entering the first week of the second trimester!
How far along?
14 weeks
14 weeks and 4 days. |
Total weight gain/loss:
uhhh prob a little more than 5 pounds. All I want is carbs and sugar! Soooo thinking of cutting all that out. At least during the week...we will see how it goes.
Not terrible this week. I still have to get up 1-2 times to use the bathroom or at least once to correct a low blood sugar so that's not my favorite but I am generally able to fall back asleep pretty quickly.
Best moment this week:
A few! I had my next follow up OB and endo appointment on Tuesday and it went well! I was so nervous but as soon as my doctor put the monitor on my belly we heard the heartbeat- such a relief! It was around 158 he said. Tucker's was a little lower than that first time around and Benson’s was a little higher. So I don't believe in the “above 140 is a girl” wives tale. And apparently that isn't really accurate until the last trimester when baby’s heart starts to slow down...and by then you probably already know the sex of the baby anyway! Also, my endo appointment went well as well. My A1C is still at 5.4 which is lower than its ever been! My doctor actually wants it a little higher so hopefully I can get it and keep it in a certain range. My OB was so impressed with that number though! Haha. He was like in shock it was so low. I have had quite a lot of hypoglycemic episodes this first trimester so that could be bringing it down. Gotta regulate it!
And then yesterday was Benny’s birthday! I can't believe he is 2! We started the day with a donut breakfast (which he didn't eat...it was an emotional morning for everyone haha) and then we decided to go swimming at the rec center and get Chick-fil-A afterwards. The boys had a blast and it was a pretty fun day. Love my little two year old!
And on Friday we went to a Jazz game! I got taylor and I tickets as Taylors Christmas present and so we did that this week! The weather was pretty bad and so we were nervous about driving to SLC but it ended up being great!
Worst moment this week:
Nothing much that I can think of. Dealing with toddler tantrums and whining is always difficult when I'm just so tired.
I think I might have felt my first flutters this week! Baby is still soooo small so it's hard to know if that's what it was, but it felt different from the usual bubbling of digestion that I usually feel. Excited to start feeling kicks soon!
Still nauseous. Tired. The worst acne I've had since freshman year in high school. Emotional. Moody.
Food cravings:
Curry (taylor made us some this week so I was happy about that).
These homemade flourless muffins I've been making about once a week lately. They have bananas, PB, eggs cocoa, honey, salt, baking powder and soda and some dark chocolate chips. They are pretty healthy (no refined sugar or flour) and SO good. And the boys like them, too!
Ooh we made protein style burgers with homemade sweet potato “fries” and that was really good.
Food aversions:
Same stuff. Yogurt by itself. Smell of cooked meat or onions.
Dunno! Lately Tucker has been saying boy. I think he is probably right haha.
Labor Signs:
Belly Button in or out?
What I miss:
energy. Looking forward to that boost soo.
What I am looking forward to:
Our next ultrasound at the hospital with MFM in about two weeks when we will most likely find out the gender!!
Weekly Wisdom:
Patience is a virtue. Haha.
Turns out I am in the second trimester! Doctors start counting it at 13 weeks so this will be my second week in the second trimester! Only around 23 weeks till we meet this babe! That's officially less than 6 months!
How far along?
15 weeks and a few days
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15 weeks and 4 days. |
Total weight gain/loss:
Mmmm, not too sure. Might step on the scale tomorrow but I’m kinda avoiding it like the plague, ha!
It’s alright when I take something to help me fall asleep, like benedryl. Otherwise I cannot for the life of me get to sleep!
Best moment this week:
We found out we are having another little BOY! So crazy that we already know and beyond crazy it’s another little bud.
Worst moment this week:
It snowed a tonnnnn last weekend and I am not a huge fan considering it is MARCH! Bring on the Spring weather, please.
I think I’ve been feeling tiny little movements whenever I’m being really still and paying attention.
Still nauseous, but not so much anymore. Terrible acne. Tiredness. Getting full really quickly after eating.
Food cravings:
I’ve made these whole wheat pita roll up sandwich things a few times and it was so yummy!
Food aversions:
Plain yogurt.
Labor Signs:
Belly Button in or out?
What I miss:
Being in shape, haha.
What I am looking forward to:
Our MFM ultrasound next week!
Found out what baby is and we are almost four months pregnant! Getting so close to the halfway mark for me!
How far along?
16 weeks and 4 days. If you look closely, you can see my blood sugar sensor on my bump! |
16 weeks and 2 days.
Total weight gain/loss:
around 10. Taking this off soon haha.
not too bad lately!
Best moment this week:
We had a bridal shower for my soon to be sister in law and that was fun!
And today we had our MFM appointment and saw baby boy!
Worst moment this week:
Can't complain!
Tiny little movements here and there.
Tired. Occasional nausea if I haven't eaten in while.
Food cravings:
Toasted bologna sandwich. (It sounds gross and maybe is but it's actually delicious. Maybe it's the pregnancy talking haha)
Food aversions:
Scrambled eggs.
Labor Signs:
Belly Button in or out?
What I miss:
Warmer weather...thankfully it's starting to warm up finally!
What I am looking forward to:
My birthday is coming up soon! No plans yet, any ideas??
Milestones: Almost halfway for me!
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