04 January 2019

McKay at four months!

14 lbs 12 oz
26.25 inches

He is in size two diapers and mostly 6 month clothes. He’s our little guy! 

He is still eating every 2 or so hours in the day. At night he has gotten a little worse with waking up one extra time or two. Four month sleep regression?

He is still so sweet and smiley and is very ticklish. His laugh is the best!

He is infatuated with his brothers. He watches their every move and even a slight glance will make him beam. 

He found his toes and is obsessed with them! He is starting to like playing on his back and his mat more because of his toe discovery! 

Still only napping in my arms. Gotta get him in his own room soon and start sleep training. The worst. 

Sooooo close to rolling over. Which means the days of swaddling are drawing to a close. 

Still hates having is nose wiped. 

Learning to love bath time more!

Being naked is still his very favorite thing. 

Gnawing on his hands or anyone else’s hands at any given chance. Teething maybe?