01 January 2017

Benson at 10 months!

A week late, but Benson is ten months old!

At ten months, Benny:

Is about 22 pounds and 30 inches tall. He wears size 18 month most comfortably (some 12 month stuff still fits him). Looks like it is time to clean out the clothes again! 😭

He is solid and heavy! I feel like he weighs more than he does because he is just a thick little guy! He has rolly polly legs and a big belly. His dimples have even gotten deeper because of how chunky his cheeks are. I love it.

He is such a happy, loving baby. He is so flirty and will smile at anyone and everyone (for the most part. He has been a little more cautious of strangers lately and clingy to me or Taylor). He loves other babies or kids. And he adores Tucker. (we are pretty sure his top teeth are going to pop through soon and so he has been grumpy lately. It's a bummer because he is usually so happy. Even his “grumpy” is nice compared to others, though).

He had a bout of sickness this past month. He had a really high fever and didn't want to eat and even refused to nurse on a few occasions. We took him in and they were little to no help and just said it was a virus but could turn into something else. Then the next day a rash showed up everywhere. So it turned out that he had roseola. A few days after the rash he was good as new with his hearty appetite back.

He loves to eat more than anything. If we are sitting at the table or if he is sitting in his chair, he needs to be eating or you'll get an earful. He eats basically anything and it is highly entertaining to watch him devour his meals.

He is still nursing anywhere from 5-6 times a day. But he has cut back to only a few minutes every time, unless he is really tired. I imagine or breastfeeding journey is nearing its end. 😭

He is starting to try to communicate with us. He points (with his whole hand) and grunts or makes an “uhhh!!” noise. It's pretty cute and also very loud.

He loves sleeping with his swaddle blanket on his cheeks.

He stopped taking a binky about a week ago (I blame teething).

He is going to be moving into a big boy car seat soon!

He takes two naps a day still. One in the morning and one in the afternoon at the same time as Tucker. He has been sleeping well at night and will sometimes sleep all the way until 8 or later (like today- 8:30!) But if it's been long enough since I put him to bed and he wakes up (bed between 8/8:30 and wakes up at least 7 hours later) then I will feed him and lay him back down. Hopefully I can cut that feeding out for good so that the transition to cows milk will be easier.

He has been able to say Dada for a few months and can also say baba and Nana. He mumbled mama one time but I don't think it really counts.

He is FINALLY crawling! It's a funny looking, hilarious crawl but he can move! I think he will pick up a traditional crawl soon and then he will never look back.

He celebrated his first Christmas and was spoiled rotten by everyone.

Can't believe my littlest bud will be a year old in less than two months!! 

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