31 March 2016

One month with Benson!

Benson is one month!

I feel like these moments are just flying by! Even though some days seem to last an eternity.

Benson is the sweetest little buddy! We are always commenting on how cute and sweet and handsome we think he is. He's been such a fun and perfect addition to our family.

At one month, Benson-

Weighs about 11 pounds and is 23 inches tall!

He has the cutest little nose and a big ole belly.

His hair is still very long and dark. He has olivey skin and long eyelashes. And we are thinking he is going to have either light brown or blue eyes.

We call him- Benson, Benz, Benny, Benzy, Benny boo boo, baby button (Tucker can't say Benson) 

He is still pretty sleepy and doesn't have a ton of wakey time yet, but I am all too familiar with how quickly this phase ends.

When he is awake, he loves swinging his arms like crazy and always has his hands by his face. He enjoys being on his tummy for the most part and is extremely strong and good at holding his head uo for long periods of time.

He is eating about every 2-3 hours in the day and sometimes going longer in the night. He usually wakes up 2 times a night on average. 

He loves to cuddle and lay on your chest or in your arms.

He is terrible at taking a Binky...working on it.

He gets pretty upset when he needs to pass gas or poop. I'm sure it's just him getting used to the feeling and hoping it's not something else.

He gets the hiccups really often just like when he was in my tummy.

He lovesssss to eat and I'm pretty sure he would eat almost all day if I let him.

He likes being swaddled way more than Tucker did.

He makes the cutest sleepy smiles and I love any chance I get to see his little dimple.

We love this little guy so much!!

1 comment:

Juls Jems said...

Great pictures and record you're keeping!