02 November 2015

5 months pregnant!

How far along20 weeks!

Total Weight Gain/LossI haven't checked but hopefully not more than last time! 

Maternity clothes: Not yet. Regular shirts are starting to get tight on my belly though. 

Stretch marks: Hopefully not!

Sleep: Decent! Minus the waking up every so often to go to the bathroom or switch sides. 

Best moment this week: Halloween was pretty fun! It was Tuck's first year trick or treating. We went to a nursing home with our buddies Luke and Tess and Grey for the boys to walk around and then that night we went to Grey's parents' neighborhood in American Fork to trick or treat. The boys were shy at first but then started helping themselves to as much candy as they could get their hands on! Tucker wanted to go into people's houses and get their dogs, too! He was worn out by the end of it all and slept until 8:40 on Sunday (actually 9:40 because of daylight savings!! Hallelujah.)
We also had some fun play dates with Luke and Tess this week and got to see family and friends and that is always great!

Worst moment this week: I got some kinda nasty sicky feeling from Taylor and was not feeling good on Sunday. Sore throat and a headache make it hard to sit through three hours of church so I ended up attending Sacrament meeting and then coming home. Taylor actually brought Tuck home after second hour so I was here while he napped and Taylor went back for third hour. 
Oh! And we bought SO MUCH halloween candy for trick or treaters and hardly got any!! Sooo much leftover candy what am I gonna do?? Haha

Movement: I felt some pretty big movements this week! I laid in bed before falling asleep one night for a good twenty minutes just feeling this baby move around like crazy. I felt the first movements with my hand! That's always so fun. Soon I'll be able to see them and that's even more exciting! And Taylor was able to feel some movements too! :) 

Food cravings: I saw the chocolate Soy milk when we were grocery shopping and had to have it. It's yummy. Also, babybell cheese and wheat thin/triskets is really satisfying right now too! I have a toasted, open-face tomato sandwich almost every day. The fresh tomato with salt and lots of pepper and a little miracle whip on the bread is the best. And I have been wanting corn a lot, too 

Aversions: It has been yogurt. But I got some chobani yogurt tubes and froze them and so we will see if that is good. I've had them like that at my in laws house and it's super good! 

Queasy/Sick: Feeling pretty good!

Other Symptoms: This belly is growing! It's popped quite a bit in the last week or so!  

Gender: BOY!

Labor signs: Nope! But I have been getting some Braxton Hicks. I looked it up and it's possible for them to start this early or even earlier in pregnancy. But you usually don't feel them till about now. I can only really feel them if I am lying on my back, too. 

Belly button - in or out? In. But getting shallower! 

What I miss: Man I really want some sushi.   

What I am looking forward to: Next ultrasound is in a week! 

Milestones: Five months along- More than half way there! 

Other stuff- 
I am so excited to start decorating for Christmas. Ha! Taylor probably won't let us until after thanksgiving but I will keep asking just in case. This time of year is my favorite and I am so excited to have Tucker experience Christmas for the first real time (he was so little last year). We've already been thinking about what we should get and traditions to start and I am so excited to be with family and have the best holiday! 

Over the thanksgiving holiday we are planning on putting the nursery together (painting, organizing, etc) and I can't wait! 

My best friend Tessa wants to plan a baby shower for me sometime in February and I am excited about that because I never got to have a baby shower with Tuck! 

I have been doing a lot of research on natural childbirth and might actually be considering it. Am I crazy? Probably. Haha. My mother in law, Julie, had her last baby Jane using the Bradley Method and that is one method, along with hypnobirthing, that I've been hearing lots of great things about! I will probably buy some books to read and prepare myself but not get tooooo invested in it, just in case I can't handle it ;) 

This pregnancy is flying by and I'm not mad about that! I feel like we're going to have a baby here before we know it!

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