21 December 2014


Tucker boy is 6 WHOLE MONTHS!

weight: 18.5 pounds: about 70th percentile
height: 28 inches long: 95th percentile

Holy cow, I have a six month old?!
They don’t lie when they say time flies.

At 6 months Tucker:

-lovesssss to scream. He just really likes to hear his voice. Whether it be babbling or screaming (the louder the better) he has just become really vocal!

-can roll from both sides. He doesn’t do it all the time though, just when he feels like it. (per usual)

-is so interested in everything. Doesn’t matter what the thing is- if you have it, he wants it.

-is starting to mimic sounds. I had been blowing raspberries at him and he picked it up quite well! Now he wants to do it all the time. Which means a lot more slobber J He also sounds like he is trying to say things. He will concentrate really hard and I swear sometimes it sounds like he is saying “hi” or “yeah”.

-finally likes being thrown in the air.

-is SUPER ticklish still.

-is getting tons of new, light hair! It's growing very fast. 

-loves to splash in the bath.

-still a terrible crib napper.

-sleeps really well at night.

-hardly ever sits still. He is so wild and busy!

-has yet to try a baby food he hasn’t liked!

-is recently obsessed with his feet/toes.  He will pull off his socks, too. I found him the other day with his sock in his mouth.

-is the happiest boy when he wakes up in the morning. He will just play and talk to himself until I go in and get him out of his crib.

-eats 6 or 7 ounces every four hours and 8 ounces before bed.

-loves to be in the stroller and go for walks.

-is almost sitting up by himself. He still needs some support.

-is getting stronger. I have recently started teaching him how to do the push-up position by lifting his tummy and putting him on his hands. He will lift his legs to be almost on his knees on his own! and he can hold the push up position for a few seconds.

We are traveling to North Carolina in a couple days and it will be his first big trip/plane ride and first Christmas! I am so excited for him to meet my siblings and his cousins! Since we are traveling, we didn’t want to have to bring all of our presents because it just isn’t practical, so we had “Christmas morning” today! We let him open some presents and I think he had a lot of fun! It was probably more fun for us ;) Next year will be so fun when he will be able to participate more.

Happy Half-Birthday, sweet boy! We love you!

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