How far along: 36 weeks!! 9 months pregnant!! The most pregnant I've ever been by a few days!
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Obviously my most attractive look. |
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My besties who planned the cutest shower! |
Sleep: Not good, haha, but I've come to terms with it. Every time I roll over I have to get up to use the bathroom...which is a lot of times. Sooo im just trying to keep the mindset that my body is preparing me for a newborn again. And I usually get to rest during the day when Tucker naps, so that helps.
Movement: This baby has always been such an active little guy. It's going to be so weird when I don't have him constantly moving in my tummy anymore!
Food cravings: I really have just been loving milk.
Aversions: Not really!
Queasy/Sick: My congestion came back along with a cough. As soon as I'm not pregnant, I'm sure that will ease up. Tuck woke up a little sick yesterday so I'm hoping he will feel better by the time we bring the baby home!
Other Symptoms: Heartburn has been better since I stopped eating things that made it bad. My back absolutely kills! I carry my stress in my shoulders and back and so I've been having Taylor press really hard on the sore spots and he says he can feel big knots. I have been using an ice pack and that helps a little.
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: Some contractions but hopefully nothing “real” for at least a week!
Belly button - in or out? Flat and the top pokes out!
What I miss: Sleeping comfortably. Being comfortable, period.
What I am looking forward to: Leap Day! ;)
Milestones: 9 months pregnant and made it to my baby shower!
So today I had my regular Monday NST appointment and met with my OB afterwards. The NST went great and the fluid looks great- all positive things!
My vitals were also really good, my blood pressure looked great and weight is great too.
The doctor came in and reaffirmed what the perinatologist and OB had said the previous week with wanting to induce me at 37 weeks. SO the hospital will be calling us Sunday evening and telling when to come in Monday morning! The doctor said if they haven't called me by 8 Monday morning to just give them a call. Buttttt I know that if they haven't called I won't be waiting that long haha. So hopefully there aren't any crazy mommas who try and put themselves into labor for leap day! Otherwise, they might actually be busy and forget to call. I hope and pray they don't! But when they call, the doctor said they most likely will ask us to come in around 6 or so in the morning- early! I am totally fine with that. So if everything goes smoothly, we could have a baby in the early afternoon! And when they checked me today I was 3 cm dilated and almost 80% effaced, so that means things could go very quickly!
We have a list of things we want to get done and I'm hoping I don't go into labor before Monday because I really want to get them accomplished!
So excited for our Leap Day Baby!!!
Also. I finally got to have a baby shower! I feel like a real mother! ;)
My friends Tessa and Hillary and Laura helped with everything and they are amazinggg. You should hire them to plan any party you need. Everyone raved about how cute it was and I really feel lucky to have such loving friends who would spend so much time planning something for me and this sweet babe.
The theme was black, white and gold and “where the wild things are” inspired. There were tons of cute balloons, gold crowns, real oak wood rounds from Tessa’s grandpa's property in California, a cute cake that looked like a tree made by Hillary, delicious waffles made by my mother in law, yummy toppings made by my sister and mom, and fun games!
I was soooo spoiled and can't believe all the kindness that was shown to us! Actually, I can, because I have some pretty amazing people in my life. There are some darling pictures- some taken by Hillary and some by Tessa that I will post when I figure out how to download them and get my computer to work.
Thank you so much to anyone and everyone who has helped us out the last 9 months- time has flown and I can't believe our baby will be here in 7 days or less!
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