How far along: 34 weeks!
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A true depiction of how I feel most of the time. Haha. |
Maternity clothes: Oh yes. I finally got larger garments as well, so now my belly isn't poking out.
Stretch marks: No new ones.
Sleep: Really rough this past week. I finally went to instacare and they said I have an upper respiratory/sinus infection so I've been taking lots of drugs and I'm finally starting to feel a little better. But I pulled or strained a muscle in my back from coughing and so sleeping on my right side kills. But sleeping only on one side is hard, too. Nights are long. Ha.
Best moment this week: It was an extremely eventful week to say theeast, but I think what really touched me is how much people have reached out and served us. It's so comforting and humbling to know that we are cared about so much.
I also got to see my girlfriends this week. They all came over to my house and we had pizza and cake and I got to say goodbye to one of my best friends, Andi, who is leaving on her mission next week!
Worst moment this week: Being sick still sucks. But this week our baby got a little antsy and we thought he might be joining us! Tuesday I was pretty miserable so I just rested as much as possible after I went to instacare and got my drugs. Taylor took Tucker with him to the scouting activity so I could have a shower/bath and relax. While I was having a hot bath I noticed my Braxton Hicks were pretty regular and getting pretty uncomfortable. I got out and got dressed and decided to lay down and relax and time them. I watched a show and timed them for about an hour and a half until Taylor got home. They were coming every 2-2.5 minutes for about a minute at a time and the pressure I was feeling was crazy. I let him know what was going on and we decided to wait if out a while longer and time them. We bathed and put Tucker to bed and talked to some family and they still were coming and I just didn't feel comfortable not going in. We called my mom and she came over, since we had just put Tuck to sleep. We left for the hospital and got there around midnight. They checked us in and we got registered. They ran some labs, got an IV started, took some blood and checked to see how dilated I was. I was at a 2 and 60% effaced- at only 33 weeks! They also ran a test called a “fetal fibronectin” test. It was pretty stinking uncomfortable to say the least, but the results came back negative which was good and meant that I wasn't at risk for preterm labor within the next week to two weeks. But contractions were coming! They gave me some pills that were supposed to help stop contractions. That didn't work so they went to the next method- three rounds of a shot in the arm. They are given about 15 minutes apart and they make you feel like you just ran a mile- racing heart and shaking hands and arms. I didn't like that feeling at all. They have me some fentanyl for the pain and that made me super dizzy and nauseous- I just don't tolerate pain meds well! So then they gave me some zofran. So many drugs!! The shots ended up slowing labor eventually, thank goodness. They had given me a steroid shot close after I got there as well. This was in case he decided to come early, it would help boost the development of his lungs a bit.
Worst moment this week: Being sick still sucks. But this week our baby got a little antsy and we thought he might be joining us! Tuesday I was pretty miserable so I just rested as much as possible after I went to instacare and got my drugs. Taylor took Tucker with him to the scouting activity so I could have a shower/bath and relax. While I was having a hot bath I noticed my Braxton Hicks were pretty regular and getting pretty uncomfortable. I got out and got dressed and decided to lay down and relax and time them. I watched a show and timed them for about an hour and a half until Taylor got home. They were coming every 2-2.5 minutes for about a minute at a time and the pressure I was feeling was crazy. I let him know what was going on and we decided to wait if out a while longer and time them. We bathed and put Tucker to bed and talked to some family and they still were coming and I just didn't feel comfortable not going in. We called my mom and she came over, since we had just put Tuck to sleep. We left for the hospital and got there around midnight. They checked us in and we got registered. They ran some labs, got an IV started, took some blood and checked to see how dilated I was. I was at a 2 and 60% effaced- at only 33 weeks! They also ran a test called a “fetal fibronectin” test. It was pretty stinking uncomfortable to say the least, but the results came back negative which was good and meant that I wasn't at risk for preterm labor within the next week to two weeks. But contractions were coming! They gave me some pills that were supposed to help stop contractions. That didn't work so they went to the next method- three rounds of a shot in the arm. They are given about 15 minutes apart and they make you feel like you just ran a mile- racing heart and shaking hands and arms. I didn't like that feeling at all. They have me some fentanyl for the pain and that made me super dizzy and nauseous- I just don't tolerate pain meds well! So then they gave me some zofran. So many drugs!! The shots ended up slowing labor eventually, thank goodness. They had given me a steroid shot close after I got there as well. This was in case he decided to come early, it would help boost the development of his lungs a bit.
Steroids have sugar in them and so naturally, it made my blood sugar spike. They ended up keeping me till the following afternoon even though contractions stopped at 6 in the morning. They were worried about how high my blood sugar got and I kept reassuring them I had been on steroids before and knew that it would take a little time to come down and that I would be fine to handle it at home...but noooooo. Anyways, it was frustrating to say the least. Especially because I hadn't slept in over 30 hours and was absolutleu exhausted at this point.
They sent me home on modified bedrest and I've been doing my best to relax as much as possible. So many people have helped us out since this incident and I just get really overwhelmed by all the love I feel! Being pregnant and suffering from lack of sleep has definitely made me more weepy this week ;)
Movement: So much all the time! He pushes so hard on my left side under my ribs that I am constantly numb and tingly. Chill out, baby!
Food cravings: Milk. Bread. Peanut butter.
Aversions: Not really.
Queasy/Sick: I feel like I am almost done being sick with this crud- hopefully!
Other Symptoms: Heartburn from you-know-where. (When my girlfriends came over they brought the giant chocolate Costco cake (yeah, that crazy delicious one) and I only had half my piece and I was up ALL NIGHT with tear-jerking Heartburn. So sad! So I steer clear of chocolate and any other spicy thing that might give me Heartburn. Not worth the pain at this point.) Swollen ankles. (They aren't too bad but I've been having to remember to keep my feet elevated as much as possible and drink a ton of water.)
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: Yes but hopefully he chills out and stays a while longer.
Belly button - in or out? Pretty much flat!
What I miss: Sleeping all the way through the night.
What I am looking forward to: Baby shower! Baby boy coming!
Milestones: One week off from when his brother was born!
Movement: So much all the time! He pushes so hard on my left side under my ribs that I am constantly numb and tingly. Chill out, baby!
Food cravings: Milk. Bread. Peanut butter.
Aversions: Not really.
Queasy/Sick: I feel like I am almost done being sick with this crud- hopefully!
Other Symptoms: Heartburn from you-know-where. (When my girlfriends came over they brought the giant chocolate Costco cake (yeah, that crazy delicious one) and I only had half my piece and I was up ALL NIGHT with tear-jerking Heartburn. So sad! So I steer clear of chocolate and any other spicy thing that might give me Heartburn. Not worth the pain at this point.) Swollen ankles. (They aren't too bad but I've been having to remember to keep my feet elevated as much as possible and drink a ton of water.)
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: Yes but hopefully he chills out and stays a while longer.
Belly button - in or out? Pretty much flat!
What I miss: Sleeping all the way through the night.
What I am looking forward to: Baby shower! Baby boy coming!
Milestones: One week off from when his brother was born!
Today I had my last growth ultrasound and everything went really well. I was super nervous going in about what would happen and what they might say but my perinatologist was so happy and positive with where I'm at.
Baby boy is measuring 7 pounds at this point, which yes, seems big, but isn't a cause for concern for them. It is still on the normal scale! His head and his belly are measuring proportionate to one another so it is not something I “caused”...he is just a big boy! All of his organs and whatnot look perfectly normal as well. And she said she was able to see that he had hair! How cool!?
Ever since I got home from the hospital, my insulin needs haven't been normal or what they should be at this point- especially after having a steroid injection. I had a conversation with my endocrinologist this weekend and we changed a few rates and things because i kept getting lower-than-normal readings. This is something that worried me because it is a sign of placenta breakdown, something that also happened with Tuck. So I mentioned this to her. She isn't very worried now, since I am still giving insulin. We decided that I would keep a close eye on my numbers and if it continues to be the same as it currently is, we are just going to plan for induction in the 37th week- three weeks from now!! Holy cow. But, if my numbers happen to get lower or worse, then I would obviously go in sooner to be induced. It is definitely not something to mess around with.
She really calmed me and reassured me that I can do this and I can make it long enough to have this baby and for him to be healthy. I feel pretty confident that I will be able to deliver vaginally as long as my body cooperates, of course. I talked about last week how they worry about the shoulders getting stuck and the risks involved. But after discussing this with the doctor, she reassured me that there are ways to know that something would go wrong before it happens. So the plan is to induce for a natural delivery and as long as my body is progressing and dilating then I think this baby will be just fine!
This is such a long post, but I know some people will want to know what's going on, and this is the easiest way for me to remember what's going on as well.
We so appreciate everyone who has called, texted and sent messages of encouragement this week. We have had angels make us dinner, watch our sweet Tucker and pray for us- it truly means more than I can say! I have been so overwhelmed and happy with this little life we have and the kind people we know and I cannot wait to meet this new sweet soul in just a few short weeks! He is so loved already. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers if you can!
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