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My friend Heather took some maternity pictures of me and this is one! I only have this one so far but I'm excited to see others! |
How far along: 32 weeks! Getting so stinking close.
Maternity clothes: Only every single day of my life.
Stretch marks: Just old ones from Tucker.
Maternity clothes: Only every single day of my life.
Stretch marks: Just old ones from Tucker.
Sleep: Been getting more difficult for sure. But guys. Something miraculous happened last night. We went grocery shopping and when we got home I had a pounding migraine. It was around bedtime so we put Tucker in the bath and I took some Tylenol (and some benadryl and some zantac and my prenatal, ha) and Taylor told me to go to bed. I went and laid down and my eyes were closed before 10. I did not even move- no side switching or getting up to pee- until Taylors alarm went off! It was magical and as I've been super sick for months I really needed that uninterrupted sleep.
Best moment this week: We had planned on going to cheesecake factory Saturday to celebrate our 2.5 year anniversary a little late. We got there around 6:30- worst time ever. The wait was going to be 2 hours. We had planned on going to Ikea afterwards and so instead of eating a fancy meal we went straight to Ikea and ate in their cafeteria and shopped. It was silly and funny but I loved it.
I also got to take some maternity pictures with my friend Heather! She was so nice to take pictures for me :)
Worst moment this week: I have been so stinking sick. No lie, I've looked back on these weekly surveys and I've been somewhat sick since November! Ah dang it. I am mostly better now, but I still have a nasty cough and sleeping is hard. Gotta get better before this boy comes!
Movement: Still beating me up on the daily! He is big and pushes really hard on my insides. I love it but sometimes I can't breathe!
Food cravings: Silk chocolate milk. Regular milk. Apples.
Aversions: Not really.
Queasy/Sick: Not other than the recent sickness I've been trying to get over.
Other Symptoms: Heartburn. Some contractions. Back aches. Tiredness. The norm ;)
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: Braxton Hicks contractions but nothing like what they are supposed to be.
Belly button - in or out? Mostly out.
What I miss: Being not sick.
What I am looking forward to: My next growth scan of baby boy in a couple weeks! Hoping baby boy isn't too huge yet.
Milestones: 32 weeks, so my twice weekly appointments have started!
Worst moment this week: I have been so stinking sick. No lie, I've looked back on these weekly surveys and I've been somewhat sick since November! Ah dang it. I am mostly better now, but I still have a nasty cough and sleeping is hard. Gotta get better before this boy comes!
Movement: Still beating me up on the daily! He is big and pushes really hard on my insides. I love it but sometimes I can't breathe!
Food cravings: Silk chocolate milk. Regular milk. Apples.
Aversions: Not really.
Queasy/Sick: Not other than the recent sickness I've been trying to get over.
Other Symptoms: Heartburn. Some contractions. Back aches. Tiredness. The norm ;)
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: Braxton Hicks contractions but nothing like what they are supposed to be.
Belly button - in or out? Mostly out.
What I miss: Being not sick.
What I am looking forward to: My next growth scan of baby boy in a couple weeks! Hoping baby boy isn't too huge yet.
Milestones: 32 weeks, so my twice weekly appointments have started!
So at my first NST appointment baby boy passed his tests with flying colors. They also do amniotic fluid level monitoring to make sure there's not too much or too little. The fluid level looks great! I saw the doctor afterwards and we just chatted about how everything is going and then he measured my belly (fundal height). This is supposed to be close in centimeters to what you are in weeks of pregnancy. He measured and said “You're measuring pretty big.” Awesome. So at this point I am measuring at least 5 ish weeks ahead. This isn't the most accurate way to determine baby's size because it could be different depending on how he is sitting in there, etc. So they are anxious to see how he looks at my growth scan on the 8th of February. Sometimes with diabetic moms, if they have poor control, the baby will get too much sugar and will cause them to pee more (a common symptom of type 1 diabetes) and so there will be more amniotic fluid. BUT my fluid level looks great and my diabetes management has been good so this is not the case. He is just a big boy. So I asked what I could do at this point and he said to just keep managing my diabetes the best I can and to try and cut out some carbs so baby doesn't get too big too fast in these coming weeks.
They don't want to induce before 37 weeks because that is risky, so if he is really bug then the option of a C-section becomes “offered”. I really really don't want a C-section, but ultimately I want a healthy baby and to avoid the NICU if we can. So if it came down to it, I would choose a C-section over inducing earlier and risking a NICU stay.
Lots of prayers for baby and I! These next few weeks will be hard but very exciting as we get ready to welcome our boy!