Time sure does fly when you're having fun, and boy we have lots!
I've said it before and I'll say it again, this boy is WILD. He is chalked full of energy, excitement and curiosity about every tiny little thing around him. A lot of the time I can hardly carry him somewhere for fear he will jump out of my arms to snatch the object of his desire.
But I wouldn't have it any other way. He may look like me, but he has got his daddy's energy through and through.
At TEN months Tucker:
...wears 12 or 18 month clothes (this kid is TALL). He is about 32 inches tall and 21 pounds.
...is the fastest little crawler! He nailed the "conventional" crawl the day he turned 9 months and he has just been unstoppable since then. He loves his new found ability and will explore every inch of our small apartment at every given opportunity. Oh, and if we're in a new place? Even more exciting.
...is very vocal. He loves to chit chat to me when we are at home during the day, but can be quite shy when we get around people. He is saying Mama a whole lot these days, with Dada coming in at a close second. He can say baba, hey and hi (don't know if this is on purpose or if he's just making sounds, but regardless of that he can still say it), wow and whoa, and he said cookie (!? so random, but my mom was over with us and said cookie and it was like he repeated it! haha. he did it a couple more times afterwards if I really prodded him to.)
...loves bread. He would probably multiple slices if I gave it to him. It's crazy! I gave him some a long time ago to experiment with things he likes and he didn't really care for it then. But a few weeks ago I kind of reintroduced it and he scarfed it down! I seriously can't give it to him quick enough. We haven't really introduced many other new foods besides that lately. He seems to prefer homemade baby food as opposed to ones I might buy him- which is great! This kid loves his sweet potatoes.
...really wants to be independent. He tends to not like when I try and help him do things, as he would much rather do it himself. He has mastered pulling up onto anything that has a surface he can grab onto...which has resulted in some rearranging of our living room :) He loves pulling any and everything off the bookshelves, particularly the picture frames, which of course I love ;) I love that he is curious but man he can be naughty! But he is so sweet I could never really be mad at him.
...loves being outside. I am excited for summer because then the weather will be a little more predictable and he will be bigger and I can take him on lots of adventures. I plan on taking him to as many splash pads as I can! He also loves the water so I think it'll be a match made in heaven! Whenever we go outside now, and I take a blanket to lay out so he can sit on, he ends up crawling in the grass anyway. That is totally fine- however, he has this dire need to eat every little leaf he can find. It is a struggle to keep them out of his mouth! I would let him crawl all over the grass to his heart's desire if I wasn't fearful of him choking on a stick or something!
...has five teeth! This past month he's had three on top come through! He got his right front tooth first, and then instead of getting the other front tooth come through, he got the tooth next to it but on the opposite side! I thought if that other tooth hadn't popped through soon he would look like the tiniest little hillbilly. Ha! But then after a day of high fevers and lots of snuggling (out of character for him), he had the other top tooth come in! He is going to have the biggest gap- and I can't wait. Haha. His little teeth are the cutest and I love when he smiles so that I can see them.
I just love this little buddy of mine and can't believe how big he is getting. He is sprouting right before my eyes! In just two months my baby is going to be a one year old!
I just love my curious little buddy!
Some exciting things coming up for us:
Tucker is going to spend 6 days with his Grandma Juls and Grandpa Darrin (and aunt Jane and Allie and Uncle Curt) when Taylor and I go to Kauai, Hawaii for almost a week! We are leaving next week and I could NOT be more excited. We planned this trip on a whim and it was super spur of the moment but it couldn't come at a better time and we are very excited to spend some time doing absolutely nothing but worrying about which beach to visit :) I will miss our baby so much though! I haven't ever been away from him (except when he was in the NICU) so it'll definitely be hard to leave him for so long!
Taylor finishing winter semester. Taylor has finals this coming week and he is done with this semester and on to a new one! He is going to school and working full time so his plate has been over-flowing. I am proud of his hard work and glad he is one step closer to finishing his degree!
Tucker turns ONE! I know we still have a couple months but I can't believe we are already so close to celebrating his first year of life! I can't wait to spoil him!
the best has yet to come.
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