21 January 2015

seven months!

SEVEN months?! where the heck has the time gone? 

Tuck is about 29 inches tall and almost 20 pounds as of today!

He is so rowdy and crazy and has so much energy. He loves throwing his arms down on whatever is in front of him- highchair, the ground, but especially me. He can throw a serious punch, this kid. He's had a couple of falling-on-his-face from the sitting position, and getting a bump or two even. I feel like this is a precursor to what a future with a little boy will be like. 

He is now sitting like a champ. I still don't trust him 100% yet though because of the reason previously mentioned. ^^  So I still set the Boppy pillow around him to support him sometimes. If he is on his tummy, he will get up into the push-up position. He can tuck his knees under himself as well. He hasn't quite put the two together, but I think he'll figure it out sooner than we think.

He has become a little more picky when it comes to food. He will turn his nose up and actually gag at a lot of stuff. Silly boy. We've given him some actual food, too, and he really loves that. So far he's tried bread, cheerios, puffs, avocado, and oranges.

He is sleeping pretty great, still. Because he's teething, he will get restless at night and sometimes wake up in the night. A lot of the time he can put himself back to sleep, but those 3 am feedings have been more of an occurrence around these parts than I prefer. ;)

He does have one official tooth that's in now. It's super cute and super annoying to him. He is always sticking his tongue on his tooth and feeling it. 

He is all kinds of mischievous and wants to get into everything. Is curious about every little sound and moving thing. He especially loves things that he's not allowed to have. He also loves loves loves to scream bloody murder any chance he gets. It's seriously so loud you wouldn't even believe. Taylor said we should enter him to see if he can break the world record for decibels of a scream. Shew. 

He is taking much better naps! So so happy about this. Since we were gone for a few weeks, (Christmas vacation, visiting Taylor's family's cabin, and house/dog sitting for a relative of Taylor's) we really got thrown off of even trying to nap-train him. But now that we're home, I have become really dedicated to the cause. For my sake and his. And so far it's going great! We have developed a little routine that really helps, I think. We will read a story, snuggle for a minute, and then I put him in his crib with his noise maker on. He is almost always awake when I put him down, and he will sometimes talk himself to sleep- but usually he hasn't been crying. Woo! Happy baby, happy mama. And he also has become a side/tummy sleeper and I think it is the cutest thing ever.

can't believe how fast time is flying! love this little stinker more and more all the time.

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