28 August 2014

2 months!

our sweet Tuck is two months (and one week) old! 

at the beginning of August, Tucker was able to come off of his oxygen! he did an "overnight" test where he wore a monitor that measured his levels while he slept without his oxygen, and he ended up passing! we feel really relieved to not have to carry around all of that equipment anymore. and because of those tubes, we weren't able to do a newborn or one month photo shoot. and now he is getting so big! i'm kinda sad about it. but we are having so much fun watching him grow and learn and develop every day.

Tucker now weighs 12.1 pounds and is 23 1/4 inches

-can hold his head up off the ground for tummy time for a long time
-is getting stronger and better at holding his head steady when we sit him in front of us
-is cooing and "talking" to us a lot more
-is drinking 4 or more ounces every feeding
-is only waking up once each night (and then there are "those" nights.. :) 
-is handing out a few smiles here and there
-pretty ticklish and does not like it one bit. (takes after his momma on that one)
-can roll from his tummy to his back
-still loves cuddling
-is becoming more aware of his surroundings
-doesn't like being left alone
-loves being outside and going on walks in the stroller or the baby carrier
-loves, loves, loves his daddy's silly songs and dances that he does with him. 
-is otherwise known as: Tuck, Tuckabug, baby boy, Tucky, silly manilly, sweetie pie, and a bunch of other random ones. 
-is the sweetest babe around!

because Tucker was born almost 5 weeks premature, he is technically still behind on a lot of things developmentally, which is completely normal. we have to think of him as only being about five weeks old at this point because that is about where his development will be. it's hard to not compare to other babies but we just have to remember that he is so healthy, happy and thriving and doing so well. 

it's so fun to watch our little man grow!
we love him to the moon and stars.

the best is yet to come.

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