it's been pretty busy here around the Jeffery household.
both Taylor and I had our last week of classes and finals within the last few weeks. i finished a week earlier than him since i go to BYU and he goes to UVU. but now that we are both done i feel SO much relief. finals week is never fun. but add that onto a work schedule and being pregnant and it just takes on a new meaning. and stress is never good for you- and especially not for a growing baby! so i'm glad it's over. and i pulled out with pretty good grades, especially when i take into account how crappy i felt at the beginning of the semester. ...let's just say i missed a lot of class. but! i qualified for a half tuition academic scholarship that i will be able to use when i'm full time next winter. so we are super grateful for that! and Tay did well too and is super excited about being able to spend more time at work...sounds funny, huh? but he LOVES his job and is so so good at it. (i like to brag on him) and his bosses love him. there's exciting possibilities for him in the future! we have been really blessed.
ok, on to baby news.
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29 weeks! helloooooo huge bump. |
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almost 27 weeks. |
that means we are officially in the third trimester as of last week. so it's a downhill race from here! and hopefully it's a quick race because i am starting to get antsy.
baby boy is now the size of a winter squash/butternut squash/small cabbage. he is about 17 inches and 3 pounds. but i am always a little suspicious of the weight/length on these apps. we know that he is measuring a little bigger so i wouldn't be surprised if he was longer and a heavier as well.
basically, he is smarter, chubbier, more independent and extremely energetic at this point. technically, if he was to be born tomorrow he has a 95% chance of survival. i definitely want him to stay in there a lot longer than that though.
he moves like a crazy baby! i can feel him rolling around in there a lot. because he is getting bigger, the movement aren't really as frequent or small. they are usually pretty deliberate and big punches, kicks or rolls. he is probably running out of room! he has been getting the hiccups quite often now! it feels like an annoying little twitch on the inside that i can't rub out. i love all the moving though. it is so reassuring and will for sure be the number one thing i miss the most about being pregnant.
i had my 28 week check up last week and they were a little worried that he is growing too fast. i am measuring a little bigger than normal, and boy do i feel like my belly has exploded within the last few weeks. they said that i am retaining a lot of water and that is why my belly is growing faster and bigger than normal. i have a tiny bit of swelling in my lower legs and ankles, but that is normally not until the end of the day when i've been on my feet a lot. i realized that i am on my feet a lot, so i have been trying to elevate my little piggies and relax as much as i can. i get bored after a while though, so i end up back on my feet after a while. but lots of breaks are a necessity. the doctor was just worried about me getting preeclampsia (you can google it) so he told me to take as many precautions as possible. i had to come back just a week later, which was yesterday, and i saw the nurse practitioner and she made me feel a lot better. so for now, i am just doing everything in my power to keep this little baby in me as long as possible!
i go back to my OB in two weeks to get an ultrasound to measure the fluid levels around the baby and get my first non-stress test done. i will be getting those done twice a week starting at 32 weeks until i deliver! so i will let everyone know how exciting they are as soon as i've had one done.
in other news, it's SUMMER! this week has felt pretty cold and crummy but for the most part it has been beautiful here in happy little Provo/Orem.
i am just working full time right now until the end of Spring term (about June 20) and then it will be time to prepare for the baby's arrival! hopefully not sooner than that. the Spring time on campus is a lottttt slower, and the shifts are longer so i get bored a lot quicker. I've been trying to read a lot and plan out projects. i got a book from my sister in law Jamie called "The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy" and just had the chance to devote time to it since school is out. i finished it a few days ago- it was hilarious! and really enlightening on a few things. i've also continued my reading of the Harry Potter series and i really want to read the Divergent series and the Chronicles of Narnia sometime. good thing i have lots of time on my hands!
Tay and i have lots of projects planned for the summer and i can't wait to get started on them! just yesterday, i made a cute wreath for our door. i had been meaning to do it forever, and finally got around to getting it done. it was SO easy and i love how it turned out! we bought all the supplies to refurbish the dresser we found for so cheap at the DI. i am so excited to get started on it and make it look cute!
the weekend before that, Tay and i went to another wedding! (it's wedding season here) and got to see my beautiful friend Kenzie, who was one of my suitemates my freshman year. her and Ryan met our freshman year and dated and then Ryan went to Cambodia on his mission and two years later he came home and really the rest is history. they are the perfect couple and i absolutely died seeing how beautiful and happy she was! two of us down, two to go! ;) (i'm obviously talking to you, Hill and Laura!)
we have gotten so many nice gifts for our little baby boy! we got a reallyyyyy awesome one that i will have to post about soon because i don't have a picture with it. BUT! it was my birthday a couple weeks ago and a little over a week ago i got the NICEST gift from one of my best girlfriends from highschool, Emily! it had all my favorite things in it and even some gifts for Baby J! he's gotta have a UT orange bib to represent his momma's roots! thank you Em!

Taylor and I love grocery shopping. we have tried out a few places but Winco will always be our favorite. they have the BEST produce ever and they have everything that we buy cheaper than anywhere else. Tay absolutely loves going there. I like it because you can even buy things in bulk, like Costco. we don't really need things in bulk, but they do things like baking goods or rice or pasta, etc. and you just weigh it by the pound. it ends up being a lot cheaper. i love it.
we bought a smoothie maker after our little sister Jane convinced how awesome it was. i feel like homemade smoothies are either hit or miss, but i am learning how to make them better! i made one just today and it is SO good that i'm going to be one of those people and give you the recipe. ha!
two spoonfuls (or however much you want) of soy protein powder- got this at Winco!
vanilla coconut milk- (so so good, and good for you! just hard to drink a ton by itself) prob 1/2-1 cup.
handful of FRESH strawberries
handful of spinach.
and blend! i just kept adding a little milk as i went till it blended well and got to the consistency that i liked. and it was the first smoothie i ever made with spinach! i was nervous about it but you can't even taste it. so yummy, i can't wait to make another!
and Taylor made us German pancakes a couple weeks ago- they were SO good and easy. we like to cook.
we are still happy, in love and excited for our boy to get here! keep us in your prayers please. we could use all the extra help we can get and we need to make sure Baby J stays put until it is time to come out!
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here is a "throwback thursday" to make you smile. love my people. |
the best is yet to come.
K next on your smoothie list should be to add kale to them -- I actually think it's sweeter than spinach!
you're seriously the cutest. So excited to see how cute of babies you two make :)
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