sorry there was no update last week! it's hard to remember to do these things. but i am so glad i do. even if no one reads it, i love that i am able to record all of this so that i can look back on this time whenever i want!
as of yesterday, we are 23 weeks along!
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22.5 weeks |
my little mango/papaya/eggplant now weighs more than a pound and is just around a foot long. this week, his cerebrum, which is responsible for his memory, motor skills and intellect is developing more. he has begun to have REM (rapid eye movements) during his sleep. and his hair and skin are darkening!
i have my 6 month/24 week check up next week and we will get to hear the heartbeat and maybe see how our little one is progressing!
i have been sleeping so much better with my snoogle. it is magical. and this week i've had lots of opportunities to get extra sleep because my morning class was cancelled a couple times. i am very grateful for that. two weeks from this coming tuesday will be the last day of class and then just finals will be left. don't worry, i've got a research paper, a couple tests, and a book to read, and a few projects to do before then :) but i will prevail! i am so excited and anxious for summer. it is bringing with it a lot of new and exciting things!
baby boy has been kicking like crazy and i LOVE it. i could sit for what feels like hours and just watch and feel him kick around inside my tummy. it makes me feel really close and bonded to him. taylor gets a little jealous because i get to spend so much time with him. but i told him because i have to go through the hard parts that it's my reward. :) taylor finally felt a kick! and got to see lots of kicks. i have this new bedtime ritual where i will shine our desk lamp towards my belly and watch him kick up a storm before we retire for the night. i've even recorded a couple videos on my phone so that i can watch the kicks whenever i please. it's my favorite part of being pregnant so far.
i've been getting noticed more in public now and people will ask me when i'm due or what i'm having. i light up a little every time that happens. taylor told me last week the cutest thing. he said, "i love being with you in public and people knowing we are having a baby." he melts my heart. and i love having him with me, he makes me look good :)
i also feel like, as a pregnant woman, that i maybe deserve a little more courtesy than i would get normally. i mean, mainly i am talking about...when i am walking through the cross walk, i expect you to slow down and not challenge me. i am pregnant. and don't walk quite as quickly as i used to. sheesh. my patience often wears thin. haha.
my diabetes management is really difficult every day. my body is so unpredictable and i never really know how to manage it. it really is often a guessing game. i've developed "insulin resistance" which i can sum up in two words: it sucks. ha. but seriously it's been a trial and error learning experience. i give so much insulin nowadays and still will end up with high blood sugars. i go in for an appointment next week with my endocrinologist and i'm hoping that things aren't too bad. i just have to keep reminding myself that i'm doing everything i can. but it's hard. remember me and the baby in your prayers if you can :)
we have lots of exciting things to look forward to! doctor appointment next week, my birthday on the 10th!, going to Glenwood for a long weekend to spend time with our family there and watch general conference, being done with school, weddings and baby showers, SUMMER, and baby J!!! so so exciting, and time is flying!
the best is yet to come.