13 December 2011

Look to the Light

christmas is in twelve days.
i remember a year ago at this time i was finishing my first semester of college. 
my, how things have changed. 
i have so much to be grateful for this christmas season, and just in general.
i know that my life has been blessed and things have been so much easier because of a Savior and Heavenly Father, who i know love me and know me and know what i am capable of.
i know i wouldn't have been tested beyond my strength and abilities. i am excited to live the life that They have planned for me. i feel like i was given a second chance. 
and i plan on taking advantage of that chance and making the most of it.

i saw this video, and thoroughly enjoyed it.

we all can be given a second chance, and i know that.

i hope that you and i can remember the real reason for this season and to "look to the light".


andihoff said...

Kara Ann. I miss you so much. I'm so glad you posted on your blog. Your positive attitude still continues to amaze me. I love you girl!

LauraLyn said...

for all my talk about not EVERYTHING happening for a reason... I'm pretty sure there's a reason that you are in my life. I love you kara.
baby cakes,
pumpkin pie,
hahaha xoxo

Kelsie Shae Meek said...

k so i know we don't know each other super well, but i'm in your student ward & i read your blog today & i just want to say you're amazing! i love the way you write & how positive you are. so thank you : )

-Kara Ann. said...

andi- i miss you too, woman! you needa post on that blog of yours sometime soon. ;] and lets skype asap. enough of this 'only talking about it' and never actually doing it. love youuuuu.

laura-and i'm CERTAIN you're in my life for a reason. i love you, babycakessss <3 ;]

kelsie-thanks so much, that's really sweet. :] i know i see you every sunday, and i just think you are one of the prettiest girls i know, for real. and i checked out your blog too, and i love it! :]