a habit you wished you didn't have
i don't have very many habits. that's a good thing, i guess?
but i do have a few worth mentioning.
everyone on the face of the planet that is capable is more than likely guilty of this habit. putting things off until the last minute is something that happens more often than it should. but mostly with little things. like...
i'm almost out of shampoo. a week later....i'm out of shampoo and didn't go to the store...
i want breakfast at the cannon but it's 9:50 and breakfast closes at 10...
we have cleaning checks...oh, tomorrow?
you know...just little things like that.
again, most everyone stresses out. me, i tend to stress way more than i ever should. and in the
end, everything usually works out just fine. and if it doesn't, i've more than likely done all that i can and just have to be okay with whatever the outcome is. easier said than done.

what if i don't finish in time? what if we can't go do this? what if they don't like me? what if i trip and everyone laughs? what if things don't work out?
so many what if's....but i've really been better about this lately. i've realized i don't care so much what people think about me. if they can't like me when i'm wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt, then maybe i don't want them to like me when i'm dressed cute. if i trip and fall, who cares? everyone trips. and if you laugh, you'll probably be the next one to trip. :]
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