these past few days have been GO, GO, GO. this weekend was the weekend of the 4th of July. we mostly celebrated on the 3rd, since the actual holiday was on a Sunday this year. every year in utah on the weekend of the 4th, someone plays in the Stadium of Fire. this year it was Carrie Underwood. we tried to get tickets, but sadly they were sold out. however, we did watch the fireworks from the street outside of the stadium. they were so awesome. it was well worth it. afterwards, we went back to the apartment and made 7-layer bars for Ava's birthday. yummm. :]

the next day was fast sunday. and so that night our ward had a "break the fast". it was really fun and there was lots of yummy food...including 7-layer bars. (again, yummmm :]) after that, me and andrea played Catch Phrase with a bunch of people. and then someone suggested that we could go hiking the Y to watch the fireworks from the top. so, we did! it was getting dark by the time we started and it was a brutal hike. i'd never hiked the Y before, and my legs could surely tell. most of the way up it's a steep incline. but the view from the top was way worth the pain. we watched the tiny fireworks in the distance and even saw a few shooting stars. when we were done it was getting pretty late, but andrea and kellee and i decided to join the masses and camp out on the side of the road for the parade in the morning. it was difficult finding a spot, but we finally did. we barely got any sleep due to our lovely neighbors who thought it would be funny to yell all night. we woke up pretty early and walked back to andrea's apartment to get ready for the day.

(andrea and I; megan, alycia, and I laying upside down on the Y; part of the group that went hiking.)
(andrea and I; megan, alycia, and I laying upside down on the Y; part of the group that went hiking.)
we had breakfast with mallory and her family. (they were such a cute family and really good at volleyball ;]) after volleyball, andrea, bryan, ryan, john, and i were going to get Jamba, but they were closed. how did we improvise you ask? homemade smoothies! and they were delicious. we then spent the afternoon at a little lake in Mona. the water was freeeeezing, but i still managed to get a little sunburned. the rest of the night was spent making dinner, storytime, making the best banana bread ever, and watching Hardball.
this weekend has for sure been the most jam-packed i've had in a while. with the most fun that i've had in a long time. and all-in-all, it was a blast. i'm really loving the "college" life. all the people i've met thus far are way awesome and so fun. things can't get much better right now.
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