
26 November 2018

3 months with McKay!

McKay is three months now! He is growing so much and gets cuter every day- we just love him!

He now weighs 13 pounds, 7 ounces. We aren’t sure how tall he is though. We will know next month!

 Can use my smallest baby so far, but for sure the smiliest!  It takes almost nothing to make him smile  and he laughs alive now, too!  His little smiles and giggles melt me.

 He has also been doing a lot more “talking” and cooing. It’s fun to see him try to “talk” to me when I am trying to get a reaction out of him.

 He still has all of his hair and it doesn’t seem to have thinned out at all yet! And his eyebrows are getting darker- That’s not something that the other boys had!

 He is still eating every two or so hours during the day, with more cluster feeding in the evening.  Who gives me a good stretch during the first part of the night (anywhere from 4-6 hours) and then  once and wakes up again one more time in the early morning eat.

He has taken a few naps in his bed during the day! (I know this isn’t a big deal but I usually hold him for naps. What can I say, he’s snuggly and i love him.) I have been working out again and it’s just way more convenient for me to get it done during the day so he’s been having at least a few naps in his bed every week. 

He LOVES being naked and having his diaper changed. He almost instantly smiles as soon as you start to take off his clothes haha. Silly boy. 

He poops so much! Hahah. And if we don’t change it immediately, it will be a blowout. He has blown out of more outfits than both boys combined, times four! It’s crazy. I’m getting pretty good at getting the stains out. 

He is in size 1 diapers still (moving to 2 soon I think). He wears 3-6 month clothes best. He’s so tall! The tops of his thighs are a little chubby. But he still has pretty skinny little calves though. Haha. 

He loves his brothers. They can make him smile pretty easily, especially Tucker. Benny still gets a little too close for comfort and smothers him with kisses. 

Still doesn’t take a binky well at all. 

He is so so drooly! I hope that is just a coincidence and doesn’t mean he’s teething this soon. He also has found his hands recently and will suck on his fist and has even sucked his thumb on a few occasions. 

He is so active and strong. He does the hardest kicks and is already trying to roll from his back to his belly!

He can hold his head up really well but isn’t a fan of tummy time. He has rolled over a few times from belly to back. 

He is a total momma’s boy. Understandably so, as I am the milk maker. Haha. 

We blessed him this past Sunday and he did really well! Didn’t cry at all and stayed awake through it! It was a sweet blessing. We had Taylor’s parents and siblings and my mom and sister and brother and sister in law there, as well as some of my closest friends. It was so nice to keep it small and intimate and the food was yummy and the day was wonderful. 

McKay has such a sweet and special spirit and I am loving seeing who he is becoming and I’m excited to get to know him and watch his personality develop more as he grows!