How far along?
32 weeks and 2 days.
32 weeks and 2 days.
Fairly decent. This pregnancy has been different than my other
Fairly decent. This pregnancy has been different than my other
two in that, at this point with the others, I was getting up multiple
times a night to pee. And with this one sometimes I don't get up at all! Weird.
Best moment this week:
I got a little alone time on Friday and Saturday when the boys all
went to the cabin for a “boys weekend”.
Worst moment this week:
But also the alone time was lonely haha. I don't know what to do
with myself when I'm alone!
Also my back has been KILLING me. Seriously so painful and it's to t
he point where I can't even stand up at the end of the day. Hoping it
gets better soon.
Too much almost!
Too much almost!
He gets the hiccups a lot nowadays and I've been able to even
“feel” him practice breathing. It's a pretty rhythmic, constant movement
up and down. So bizarre!
heartburn. Some achiness. Tired.
heartburn. Some achiness. Tired.
Food cravings:
Sweets this week haha.
Sweets this week haha.
Food aversions:
Labor Signs:
Belly Button in or out?
Super flat.
What I miss:
I miss the weather not being so hot! We had a day where the
I miss the weather not being so hot! We had a day where the
high was 79 and it was such a tease!
What I am looking forward to:
I have my next ultrasound in a couple days where we will see
I have my next ultrasound in a couple days where we will see
how big baby boy is. I'm both anxious and excited!
Weekly Wisdom:
I started my NSTs this week and had my first one yesterday, actually.
I started my NSTs this week and had my first one yesterday, actually.
Baby was SO active and his baseline heart rate was elevated to the
point of being considered “tachycardic”. So they sent me over to the
hospital in Labor and Delivery for extended monitoring. As soon as I
was hooked up to the monitors his heart rate was perfect though. Of
course! But I was relieved to have the assurance he was healthy.
My OB seemed pleased with all my other stats as well. My belly was
measuring just barely big (33 weeks instead of 32) which is crazy because
with Benson at this point I was measuring FIVE weeks ahead! AND my fluid
level at this point is pretty high, too, according to the measurements they did.
It's not always super duper accurate but apparently it was definitely on the high
end. Normal is from 8-20 and mine was 22. It's not considered “polyhydraminos”
until it reaches 25 and they wouldn't induce unless it got as high as 30. But that's
still high! So we will see how accurate it is at my ultrasound in a couple days.
Just the fact that we are a month away from the most pregnant I've been is
CRAZY! We have some things on our checklist we need to get done and I'm
hoping I can accomplish everything before his arrival!
How far along?
33 weeks and 3 days.
I shouldn’t have said anything about how I had been sleeping decently
I shouldn’t have said anything about how I had been sleeping decently
considering how late in pregnancy it is! Haha. I have been tossing and
turning a lot lately because I just can’t seem to get comfortable. And I
have been getting up an extra time each night to use the bathroom. It
could still be worse, I know! But man it’s hard to not feel rested.
Best moment this week:
We went to Solitude with Taylor’s Mom’s side of the family for Fourth of
July celebrations. We all went up on Wednesday night and the boys ended
up staying the night and playing all day the next day until we got there at
dinner time. Taylor had to work and I had a couple doctor appointments
that I couldn’t miss.
The doctor appointments went well, and I’ll talk about them a few questions down.
We also decided to go to Richfiled/Glenwood for the weekend. My dad had
surgery on his knee after a motorcycle accident, so we went and visited him
and hung out for most of the day. And then we stayed at Taylor’s parent’s
house that night and went to church the next morning. After church we went
and saw my dad again before we had to head out that evening. It was all in
all a good weekend!
Worst moment this week:
Nothing terrible happened this week, haha. It is just SO HOT so it makes
doing anything really difficult. I don’t wanna go outside because it’s miserable.
The forecast high for the next 10 days doesn’t go below 93… hopefully
I can handle it.
Benson got stung by a wasp yesterday and it was so sad and scary! We were
sitting in the front yard and he went over by our neighbor’s fence and my other
neighbor was talking to me for just a minute. The next thing I know, he is screaming
and crying and I look over and 10 or more bees are flying around him. I picked him
up and looked him over and could see a small red dot where I assumed he got stung.
He was crying and so sad, and so I said goodbye to by neighbor and ran inside to give
him some benedryl and put ice on it. He was so brave and didn’t even cry for very long.
The welt got really red and big, but after some ice, benedryl and a benedryl pen that
my neighbor let me borrow, it looked a million times better. And you can’t even see
it today! I was super worried because Taylor is very, very allergic to bees. He swells
and his throat starts to tighten and eventually the bite gets infected somehow- every
single time! So i was panicking that Benny might be allergic like him, but looks like
he is good! Thank heavens!
I’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll say it again- this baby is WILD! His movements
are so strong and quite often they hurt! I am caught off guard by how strong he is.
And how often he moves, too! So we will see what he is like when he is finally here!
Very tired. Uncomfortable. Numb spot under my left side of my ribs (got this with Benny too).
Heartburn. Insulin resistance.
Very tired. Uncomfortable. Numb spot under my left side of my ribs (got this with Benny too).
Heartburn. Insulin resistance.
Food cravings:
Sweets. Watermelon. Doritos.
Sweets. Watermelon. Doritos.
Food aversions:
Baby boy!
Baby boy!
Labor Signs:
Braxton Hicks, but nothing too regular to cause any alarm.
Braxton Hicks, but nothing too regular to cause any alarm.
Belly Button in or out?
The top pokes out!
What I miss:
Cooler weather. Being not so uncomfortable.
What I am looking forward to:
Baby coming in a few short weeks!!
Baby coming in a few short weeks!!
Weekly Wisdom:
I had my last ultrasound last week and everything looked really good! We
I had my last ultrasound last week and everything looked really good! We
finally got to see a good view of his profile- we still hadn’t seen it this entire
pregnancy! All his parts are looking good and in working order. The last
couple ultrasounds, his kidneys had looked a little bit enlarged but nothing
too crazy. They just said they would look at them in following ultrasounds
and that if they continued to look large that he would maybe need an
ultrasound after birth. At this appointment, though, they looked really good
and the doctor seemed confident that they were normal.
They took measurements at this point as well. They measure the head,
belly, and legs and then average out the measurements for an estimate
on how big he is. His belly and legs were measuring about 34 ish weeks
and I was almost 33 weeks at this appointment, so about a week and a half
ahead. His head, however, was measuring 36 weeks!! So three weeks ahead.
We are breeding for big headed children over here. So when they average those
measurements out, it puts him in the 75 percentile (about 35 weeks instead of
almost 33- so a couple ish weeks ahead). This is just a little bigger than Tucker
measured at this point and smaller than Benson was at this point.
I have another NST tomorrow (I go every Monday and Thursday) and I will
see my endocrinologist. I’m thinking my a1c has probably gone up, so we will just see.
I am less than 3 weeks away from my “most-pregnant-day-ever”! I can’t
believe that. I don’t feel like he is coming within the next few weeks, but I
know how quickly things can change. I have my next meeting with the OB
next Thursday. I will be almost 35 weeks at that point. I am thinking I might
ask if they can check to see if I am dilated at all. Normal pregnancies will start
getting cervical checks at 36 weeks, but since I go into labor earlier, I am curious
if they will check so that I can have a baseline or be aware of where I’m at. In the
week I am currently in, I had gone into labor with Benny (would’ve been yesterday’s
gestation of 33+3) and I was already dilated to a 2-2.5 and 60-70% effaced...which
is crazy! I also need to get tested for Strep-B and get my TDAP shot.
We have a lot we want to do in the next few weeks before baby comes- we are just
both so tired that it has been hard to get anything done! The house is a mess, there’s
lots to be organized, there’s projects that need to be finished (and started) and we are
running out of time! Not to mention, we still don’t have a name picked out!
I am feeling the pregnancy more than ever these past couple of days and it’s wearing
on me. My body hurts and I am tired and my kids are naughty sometimes because I’m
sure they’re restless but I am too worn out to take them anywhere! Summer pregnancies
are difficult for sure. But I don’t want to complain or sound like I’m ungrateful because
we are SO excited to meet this little guy and so grateful he is coming. It still doesn’t
really feel I know how quickly these next 4 weeks will fly by and I still am
having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that another baby is joining
our family! It’s beyond weird and exciting. I hope he is healthy and I hope the delivery
goes smoothly and that he gets here safely. We can’t wait to meet him!
How far along?
33 weeks and 2 days.
33 weeks and 2 days.
I spoke too soon! Sleep has been pretty rough the last week, not gonna lie. But I
I spoke too soon! Sleep has been pretty rough the last week, not gonna lie. But I
guess I should be grateful that it hasn't been crappy the whole time and just this
last stretch of pregnancy. I am just really uncomfortable because baby (and myself
of course) is growing and making it hard to move and get comfortable on one side
for very long. But I can make it through! So close!
Best moment this week:
Tessa was visiting from California and she, Hillary and I went to dinner and dessert
and talked for hourssss (sorry tess hahah). It was SO nice and needed and I
miss her being close!!
Worst moment this week:
I think just getting to that point in pregnancy where I am uncomfortable 24/7 and have
this laundry list of things I need to do or get and I have absolutely no energy to do it.
We are SO anxious and excited for baby boy to get here...but I also wish I had more
energy to accomplish the things that need to get done!
He moves more than he doesn't! I've been having the numb in my ribs feeling that
He moves more than he doesn't! I've been having the numb in my ribs feeling that
I also had with Benson. The movements are often painful because they're so powerful.
And he makes it hard for me to fall asleep when he is moving all the time! It makes me
so curious to know what he will be like on the outside!
Huge. Uncomfortable. Tired. Achy. Heartburn.
Huge. Uncomfortable. Tired. Achy. Heartburn.
Food cravings:
Sweets. I just wanna eat cake hahaha. But I probably need to take a few week break
Sweets. I just wanna eat cake hahaha. But I probably need to take a few week break
from sweets so baby doesn't get too big in this last stretch!
Food aversions:
Labor Signs:
Braxton Hicks but nothing regular.
Braxton Hicks but nothing regular.
Belly Button in or out?
The top is out! This is the most popped my belly button has ever been.
What I miss:
Sleeping (and existing) comfortably.
Sleeping (and existing) comfortably.
What I am looking forward to:
My OB appointment after my NST in a couple of days and my next ultrasound in a couple
My OB appointment after my NST in a couple of days and my next ultrasound in a couple
weeks! I am going to ask if they will check my dilation at my OB appointment. At this point
with the boys I was already dilated to a 2 and effaced. I want to know what my body is doing!
(Update- I was 1 cm dilated this week!)
(Update- I was 1 cm dilated this week!)
Weekly Wisdom:
Stay indoors (it's SO HOT) haha.
Stay indoors (it's SO HOT) haha.
I am 2 weeks (and 2 days) away from my most pregnant I've ever been. That's CRAZY to
me! I can't believe we are here at the end. I am hoping I go into labor on my own again
and don't have to be induced. I am so excited to meet this baby!
How far along?
35 weeks and 6 days (oops I did this way late in the week haha)
35 weeks and 6 days (oops I did this way late in the week haha)
Terrible. My back hurts and i can't get comfortable and have trouble staying asleep.
Terrible. My back hurts and i can't get comfortable and have trouble staying asleep.
Best moment this week:
I think just that the week went quickly was probably the best thing. And i got my eyelashes
done on Thursday (and didn't go into labor like i did with my first two boys haha)
Worst moment this week:
Feeling all kinds of uncomfortable and tired and overwhelmed and just done.
All the time. I feel like he's going to break me. And my ribs are constantly numb from the
All the time. I feel like he's going to break me. And my ribs are constantly numb from the
pushing. I'm excited for him to drop so I can feel some relief in that department.
Tired. Waddling. Back pain. Heartburn.
Tired. Waddling. Back pain. Heartburn.
Food cravings:
Everything sweet. Peanut butter.
Everything sweet. Peanut butter.
Food aversions:
Labor Signs:
Braxton hicks come frequently but not regularly enough yet. I am dilated to a 2/2.5 at
Braxton hicks come frequently but not regularly enough yet. I am dilated to a 2/2.5 at
this point (and a 1.5 at the top- apparently women who've had babies can or do dilate
in a the bottom dilates first and then the top. But once in active labor then it'll
even out) and 50% effaced.
Belly Button in or out?
The top pokes out!
What I miss:
Sleeping comfortably.
Sleeping comfortably.
What I am looking forward to:
Meeting our baby SO SOON!!!!
Meeting our baby SO SOON!!!!
Weekly Wisdom:
Just trying to stay positive despite being incredibly uncomfortable and it being a billion
Just trying to stay positive despite being incredibly uncomfortable and it being a billion
degrees outside.
Tucker had already been born at this point (35+3) and Benson was born four days
from where I'm at now!
I can't believe I am almost the most pregnant I've ever been. If I make it to next
Thursday that's what I'll be! I still go for my NSTs twice a week on Mondays and
Thursdays. Next Thursday I have my last growth ultrasound and will get my NST
done there at the hospital and then I'll head over to my OBs office where they'll
check my dilation again and chat about a possible induction?
From what I learned with my chat with the OB I saw this week was that since I am
not a typical pregnancy, they would likely offer an “elective induction” at 38 instead
of the standard 39 weeks (if I'm still pregnant at that point). So. I really hope that's
true! If it is, we are looking at only two more weeks from now until baby is here!
I really, really hope I just go into labor on my own and don't have to be induced.
That would be the best scenario in my mind. And if he could come like next
weekend then that would be the best! Late next week or weekend is what I'm
praying for. I know he will do what he is ready for though, so I'm just trying to
be patient.
In the meantime, there are things we have to get done and ready and so I'm
hoping I can muster enough energy or strength to do it. Haha. The most
important things are done. Mine and the baby’s bag are packed and it's just
last minute things that we will need to grab. The house is mostly clean and
the baby laundry is done and we are just ready! So ready to meet this little guy. Can't wait!!
How far along?
36 weeks and 6 days
Pretty bad, haha. I mostly am uncomfortable because of my terrible back pain!
Pretty bad, haha. I mostly am uncomfortable because of my terrible back pain!
It’s hard to get into a comfy position. Excited for when I can sleep normally
again. (but with a newborn I’ll just have more interruptions :)
Best moment this week:
I got the news of an induction!! We are having our baby next week!
Worst moment this week:
I went into “false labor” and we were at Labor and Delivery pretty late, but they
didn’t keep me because my labor wasn’t progressing. 4 hours of contractions
but no baby, haha. Little stinker!
Lots and Lots, all the time!
Lots and Lots, all the time!
Heartburn. Back pain. Terrible sleep. Numbness in my ribs. Contractions. Pelvic pain.
Heartburn. Back pain. Terrible sleep. Numbness in my ribs. Contractions. Pelvic pain.
Food cravings:
Food aversions:
Little man!
Little man!
Labor Signs:
Yep. I think with me lying low the next few days though, I’ll be able to hold out
Yep. I think with me lying low the next few days though, I’ll be able to hold out
till induction next Wednesday.
Belly Button in or out?
Mostly out!
What I miss:
Being comfortable in my body haha.
What I am looking forward to:
Weekly Wisdom:
You are your own advocate and can express your wishes and concerns to your
You are your own advocate and can express your wishes and concerns to your
doctor and generally I think they are pretty good about hearing you out.
I have never been this pregnant before! It’s crazy! I’ll be 37 weeks tomorrow,
which means I finally made it to full term!
I had my last growth ultrasound on Thursday (along with my NST and meeting
with my OB). On this day, it was officially 1 day longer than the longest I had
ever been pregnant. Baby looked good on the ultrasound and was measuring
a couple and a half weeks ahead, but only (and yes, I’m saying only) 8 pounds
exactly! Benson was born at the gestation one day prior and was 10 pounds! So
I was pretty surprised about that. His right kidney is a little bit dilated, so they said
it would be something he would need to get looked at after birth at his two week
appointment with an ultrasound. But they said it didn’t look alarming. The MFM
doctor I saw was not my favorite. She wasn’t super nice and made me feel stupid
about a few things concerning my blood sugars. And she kept saying “well baby is
measuring pretty big” and I’m thinking….”I had a 10 pound baby born before this...
8 pounds is small to me!” Anyway. She said she recommended an induction
between 37-38 weeks.
So then I had my NST and baby passed very quickly and looked great. So
I headed over to my OB and they checked me out over there. I was fully
dilated to a 2.5 (instead of 1.5 at the top and 2 at the bottom) and about
70% effaced. I communicated with him about what the MFM had to say
and he said that we could go ahead and schedule the induction for the
coming week. He even said we could do Monday if I wanted. I thought
about it for a second but then though, “well, if I’m still pregnant, I can
hold out another day and a half and then the baby can be born on the
day Taylor has wanted from the beginning.” haha. So I requested
Wednesday, 8/8/18, and he said they’d call me with instructions! It
doesn’t even feel real! It’s so crazy to me that we will have another
baby with us in just four days. I’m slightly freaking out. I mean, also
I’m very excited and anxious, but man I’m nervous, too! I really want
to try for an unmedicated labor and with me having to get pitocin that
will make an unmedicated labor that much harder. I hope everything
will just go quickly and that I can power through and use my coping
mechanisms to accomplish what I want.
I can’t wait to meet him this week!!!!!
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