
12 February 2018

Baby number 3!

It's been a couple weeks since we announced that we are expecting, and we are so excited! I think I was anxious to get the news out because I felt like it was getting harder to hide that I was pregnant (excuses about always feeling sick and the ever growing belly- hello, fourth pregnancy uterus!). I did things a little differently with our last pregnancy, where as soon as I shared the news, I was also sharing weekly updates.

I am so grateful that I have that information on my blog because it has been incredibly helpful as I've wanted to look back on my last pregnancy and compare symptoms and updates and things of that nature. I will still be doing a weekly questionaire, however, I've been thinking about the manner in which I want to share this pregnancy.

I know there are many people like me who love to read about this type of thing, whether it be your own pregnancy or a friend's or someone you may not even know. I love that kind of stuff. However, since experiencing a loss, I got the tiiiiiniest taste of what it is like to see others experiencing something you want so badly. So this caused me to take a step back and decide how I should share this pregnancy. I don't want to inundate people with "pregnancy this and baby that". But I do want family to be able to have updated information (there's a lot of family who like to know these things and this is the quickest and easiest way for everyone to learn the same information- direct from the :) So, I think what I decided is that instead of sharing a blog post every single week, I will do one a month- which will include four weeks of the same questionaire and pictures of my ever growing belly from the month. When we get later in the pregnancy, I might switch to twice a month (every other week) and then at the very end I might update once a week, depending on how I'm feeling.

I hope that you guys will follow along, although I know this is pretty boring to many of you. But if it's your thing- I won't let you down!

Now back to the news at hand- WE ARE HAVING ANOTHER BABY! I have my next prenatal appointment a week from today and I think even just typing those words still makes me nervous. I hope this next week goes by quickly and that I can hear the heartbeat again and feel at ease.

We found out on December 12 that we were pregnant! I felt like I needed to take a test even though my cycle wasn't due for five days. The line was verrrrry positive. No denying it! And it only got darker from that point. I set my first appointment for January 19 and then the countdown began. I would be almost 9 weeks by the time the first appointment rolled around. I am grateful we had the holidays and lots of fun things to distract us in the meantime and help the time pass more quickly. I started feeling sick at a little before 6 weeks, which is pretty early! I thought it was probably a good sign though. My diabetes has followed the pattern of what it did when I was pregnant with the boys, which is also reassuring.

When January 19 rolled around, I was SO nervous. Taylor was able to take a long lunch that day to come to the appointment with me. I ended up being scheduled with the same doctor that we had when we found out we were miscarrying. I took it as a redeeming sign and not a bad omen ;) We got called back into the room and I was nervous that the doctor was going to want to chat for a while and that I would be so anxious waiting for the ultrasound. However, as soon as he walked into the room he said, "Alright, let's just cut straight to the chase and take a look at your baby!" I was SO grateful. He pulled up the ultrasound machine and right away I could tell everything looked great. We saw our little baby! It was measuring 9 weeks and 1 day (I was 8 weeks and 5 days at the time, so that measurement is right on track!) We saw the heart beating and little baby even moved for us during the ultrasound! I felt such relief and even typing it and thinking about it now calms me down as well. He was very pleased with how everything looked and we spent the next 10 minutes or so making a game plan.

Not too much will be different with this pregnancy, except for the fact that they are having me strongly consider getting progesterone shots weekly, starting at 16 weeks. The point of this would be to help me not go into labor too soon, as I seem to have babies that are eager to come earth-side. I think we decided that that is probably the best idea and our best shot at having our baby stay in until at least 37 weeks! If I can make it that long I will be so grateful!

We then got some blood work done and other labs and scheduled future appointments and went on our way! I see them again February 20 (as well as my endocrinologist, who I will also see every 4 weeks). I have my first appointment with Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) and the Perinatologist on March 13, when I will be just over 16 weeks. This is a more in-depth ultrasound than the ones they do in the OB office and we are hoping we will find out the sex of the baby at this appointment! I'm very excited!

At this point, there's not much else to share. I am hoping that I can have a healthy and uneventful pregnancy and a healthy baby. We could always use prayers if you ever happen to think of us. Excited for this journey!

How far along?
 9 weeks as of yesterday

Total weight gain/loss:
 2-3 pounds

 it's been ok. I've been taking a promethazine (anti nausea) a while before bed and it makes me pretty sleepy. And I only get up once or twice to use the bathroom now.

Best moment this week:
Yesterday we told the rest of my family about baby and everyone was excited. And on Saturday I got to go to lunch with my girlfriends! We got sushi so that was super fun. AND! We had our first OB appointment on Friday. I was SO nervous. Understandably so. We got straight to the ultrasound and baby was measuring perfectly and looking great! We even got to see it move/kick which was so exciting. I feel a lot of relief and am excited! I told my best girlfriends this week that I'm pregnant as well!

Worst moment this week:
Well i guess it was last week, but I got food poisoning and it was horrible. We ended up going to the ER to get me fluids and IV anti nausea meds. So glad that's over.

none yet!

super nauseous all day. SO tired. I have to go to bed after the kids because I cannot hang haha. Pretty moody/hormonal.

Food cravings:
carbs. Salty food. Chick-fil-A.

Food aversions:
Some meats. Eggs. Yogurt.

Don't know yet!

Labor Signs:

Belly Button in or out?

What I miss:
Having energy and feeling not-nauseous.

What I am looking forward to:
Next appointment in a month!

Weekly Wisdom:
I had my endocrinologist appointment today and it went well! My a1c is 5.4!! It has never ever been that low in my whole life. I am hoping i can keep it low without having too many hypoglycemic readings.

Baby is no longer an embryo and is now considered a fetus!

How far along?
10 weeks as of yesterday

Total weight gain/loss:
Dunno. Kinda afraid to check haha.

Not terrible but not great. Waking up to correct low blood sugars or pee a couple times.

Best moment this week:
It was a pretty low key week. We did go to tucanos for Taylors belated birthday meal and that was fun. It's always such a treat to go there.

Worst moment this week: I had a few low blood sugar episodes that were kinda scary. First trimester lows are always tricky to get a handle on.

None. Still so tiny in there!

Super duper nauseous. Super duper tired. Super duper moody.

Food cravings:
Mostly sweet things. But I always feel gross after indulging. Also sour apples and peanut butter.

Food aversions:
Meat cooking. Smell of cooked onions.

Not sure yet. And no inkling or feeling either way at this point.

Labor Signs:
Heavens no.

Belly Button in or out?
Very in.

What I miss:
Sleep. Energy. Feeling good.

What I am looking forward to:
Energy. Feeling good. Next appointment.

Weekly Wisdom:
Not much this week. Just trying to get a handle on these low blood sugars and how to best treat them. Currently a spoonful of frosting works best...hence why I'm scared to get on the scale. Haha. 

Baby is the size of a strawberry or tart kumquat. He or she is looking more like a person every day and developing internal organs!

How far along?
11 weeks today.

Total weight gain/loss:
Mmm not sure. Looks like a ton but I haven't actually stepped on the scale! Haha.

Not awesome. I toss and turn a lot. And I've been having nightmares on and off this week! No fun. 

Best moment this week:
I got to go to dinner with my girlfriends Ashley and Rachel! It was so yummy and so fun to catch up.

We also decided to announce our pregnancy today which is exciting and nerve wracking at the same time! I haven't had a second appointment but I feel very positive about everything so I'm hoping it pans out the way I feel. I also don't want to overshare because I've gotten a teeny tiny taste of what it's like to be on the other side of this and it's hard. I have so so many friends who are struggling to make a family and so I know being bombarded with baby everything must be hard. I haven't decided how I am going to update my blog with these yet. Last pregnancy I did it weekly and posted about it. Tucker's was really sporadic. I definitely want to keep the record for myself. But maybe I'll only share once a month? We will see. :)

Worst moment this week:
Waking up to a terrible nightmare. It kept me up for a while. So I just prayed I'd be able to fall asleep and be comforted and I eventually was.


Headaches galore. Nauseousness all day. Lack of thirst. Low blood sugars. SO tired all day.

Food cravings:
Treats. Also I was reading my blog and came across the post where I mentioned a toasted bologna sandwich (with BBQ chips on it-it sounds gross but don't knock it till you try it) and now I'm feeling like I need one haha.

Food aversions:
Smell of meat cooking and boiled eggs and onions. Yogurt. Scrambled eggs.

Dunno! Taylor says girl. I say I have no clue. Probably boy because that's all I know!

Labor Signs:

Belly Button in or out?

What I miss:
Feeling rested. Working out! I haven't been able to in sooooo long. I'm anxious to feel better in these next few weeks so we can have nighttime gym dates a few times a week!

What I am looking forward to:
Finding out the gender!

Weekly Wisdom:
None that I can think of.

Baby is 1.6 inches and as big as a lime/Brussel sprout. The hands and feet are losing their webbing and he or she is growing hair follicles and fingernails!

How far along?
12 weeks today.

Total weight gain/loss:
Around five pounds. Yikes haha.

Not great. But I finally got my snoogle out again and that has helped a ton. It's a pregnancy body pillow and it wraps around my body and I can put it between my knees, which seems to be giving me the most relief.

Best moment this week:
I got to see one of my best friends from high school, Emily! I went to Park City where she was staying and we got dinner one night and then the boys and I went back again on Saturday and she got to meet them! I hadn't seen her in seven years so it was really great to see her and catch up. And we announced our pregnancy a week ago today which was really exciting.

Worst moment this week:
I can't really think of anything. Which is a good thing!

None yet.

Nausea still- although this is waning a bit which is great. I mostly feel nauseous at night now. Fatigue/exhaustion. Acne (joy). Mood swings.

Food cravings:
I've been craving more sweet things than I did with the boys. And Diet Coke- terrible i know. Also a good burger sounds great.

Food aversions:
Yogurt. Some meats.

Not sure! Thinking boy right now. Taylor still thinks girl. I just want to know! And of course I just want a healthy baby, so I don't care either way!

Labor Signs:

Belly Button in or out?

What I miss:

What I am looking forward to:
Valentines date this week to get burgers! Haha. And next week i have my next appointment and I'm praying it goes well.

Milestones: Most of my pregnancy apps agree baby is the size of a plum! He or she is 2 inches now and half an ounce!

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