
23 February 2017

One year with Benson!

365 days with Benson Wyatt!

A year ago today, I was snuggling my sweet Benson in my arms for the first time. The day he was born is one of my favorite days I've ever lived. His birth was so special and peaceful and one I will never forget. (Read his birth story here:

There was so much anticipation surrounding his arrival because of the unknown. Would I make it to 37 weeks? Would he come early like his brother? Going into early labor at 33 weeks scared us that he would come too early. Thanks to modern medicine, however, we were able to keep him growing for almost a month longer and he came right when he was ready.

Labor happened so fast and was so quiet and calm. I labored through the night while Taylor was sleeping next to me, myself unable to sleep due to my racing mind and heart at the excitement of our baby coming so soon!

I was so nervous of a repeat NICU stay and I just wanted him to be safe and healthy. He came so fast- after only 3 minutes of pushing- and we knew right away he was perfect. He screamed and cried for a whole hour- we knew his lungs were perfect!

I'm grateful for the short hospital stay and him being healthy despite being early.

The year that has followed has literally flown by right before my eyes! It's insane how the days can sometimes seem so long and hard but I look back and am still in denial that it's been a whole year.

Benson is such a sweet, special baby. He has such a sweet spirit and makes us all so happy. We are so lucky to have him in our family and I can't wait to see how he continues to grow!

At one year, Benson-

Weighs 26 pounds and 5 ounces. 
And is about 31.75 inches tall! 

He wears 18-24 month clothing and is most comfortable in 24 month. He also wears size 5 diapers when he is in disposable diapers.

He sleeps around 12 hours a night (took him about 11 months to figure this out!). He is still taking two naps a day. Most often they are around 2 hours each.

He is still nursing, but not very much. I'm sad to wean him but I think he is trying to tell me he is ready. I'll nurse him when he gets up in the morning, after his first nap and before and after his second nap, and before bed. So about five times a day, sometimes less. And with the exception of when he is really tired, he is usually only eating about 3-4 minutes.

He still loves meal time and food! He has been a great eater. He usually has oatmeal and fruit for breakfast; veggies, cheese, fruit, and sandwich/quesadilla type thing for lunch; and then whatever we have for dinner!

He perfected drinking out of his sippy cup within the last two months. He also figured out how to drink from a straw recently!

He has tried cow's milk and likes it! I think the transition will go smoothly and he will get his milk in his sippy cup.

He has been crawling for a couple months, but within the last month he figured out a conventional hand-knee-hand crawl. He is getting really fast! He can go from crawling to sitting with ease. He can now pull himself up to his knees and feet and hold on while standing. He can't furniture walk very well but has at least attempted.

He can wave, point, high five, dance and clap.

His top teeth finally came in! They are huge and adorable. He has four teeth in now and we just noticed last night that he has at least a couple more that are trying to pop through.

He loves bath time and splashing and drinking the bath water (yuck).

He doesn't say very much, but does know a few words. Dada (his most used), mama (only sometimes), Nana, uh oh, ball, and dog.

He loves following Tucker wherever he goes. He loves destroying things that Tuck builds.

He is really ticklish and loves to be thrown in the air or onto the bean bag.

He loves crawling as fast as he can towards the bathroom where he isn't allowed to play.

He is getting a new car seat soon as he has outgrown his current one. We stretched out the use of that seat way longer than we did with Tucker. But Benny is finally too tall for his so he will get a convertible seat!

He loves peek-a-boo barn, reading books, eating crayons, big soft blankets and pillows, mouths and pulling my hair.
He hates having his diaper changed, getting his face or nose wiped, getting buckled in his car seat, getting dressed and being hungry or tired.

He is the sweetest, nicest boy and we love him so much! We are so lucky to have him!

Happy birthday, Benny boy!