
25 September 2016

Benson is seven months!

S E V E N    M O N T H S

Benny is seven months!

At seven months, Benson

Weighs about 19 pounds and is a little taller than 29 inches!

Wears 9 or 12 month clothing most comfortably.

Is taking two naps a day (one not so very structured, and one more structured when Tucker naps)

Is still not sleeping through the night. We got the go ahead to sleep train last month but have been so busy with traveling this past month that I didn't really want to commit to training him and then have it disrupted by traveling. But starting next Monday we are going to go for it. He is definitely strong willed so I know it won't be quite as easy as training Tucker was. But with him sleeping better I know we will all be happier :)

He is still breastfeeding every 2.5-3 hours during the day and barely longer than that at night (hence the desire to sleep train).

He likes every baby food he has tried, we just aren't very consistent with it. We are going to make a bigger effort of feeding him baby food though because I know he enjoys it!

He loves to stand and if you try and let him sit in your lap he makes his legs stiff as to stand up.

He is drooling so much all the time, but no teeth in sight.

We transitioned him out of his zippy (zipadee zip swaddle) and he has done really well. Thank goodness!

He is sitting better, but still not completely unassisted. Hopefully this month it clicks!

He will play on his tummy for contently than he had been. And now he actually puts his arms in front of him instead of flapping behind him like he had been. I don't really see him crawling anytime soon but this makes him at least a step closer!

His hair is growing in really light! He will probably be a Blondie like his brother!

He is a huge flirt. All you have to do is look at him and smile and he just about bursts. He is so handsome.

He went on his first big trip! We flew to South Carolina to go on vacation with my family in Charleston. (Hopefully I'll get a separate post up about our trip because it was so fun!) He did SO well on every flight and basically slept the entire time of every single one! He didn't sleep very well when we were actually there but Taylor just snuggled him in our bed and he slept alot better that way. He loved the ocean and sand and was so content to hang out in the baby carrier for whatever we did! He really is a great baby.