
24 July 2016

Five months!


Is around 18 pounds and 27 inches tall.

He wears 6-9 month clothes and size 3 diapers when not in cloth.

He is still nursing every 2-3 hours and not much longer stretches than that at night. (cue years of exhaustion) The past week, however, hasn't been too terrible and he's gone as long five hours. But that's the longest he's gone in over a month.

He figured out how to roll from his back to his tummy a couple weeks ago! Here getting to where he will roll almost immediately after you lay him down and has started sleeping on his tummy! Cutest ever.

The longest he will nap in his crib is an hour to an hour and a half. Sleep training has been under way for a while but this boy is stubborn! But he will totally take a three hour nap in my arms...silly boy.

He tried food about a week ago! I had attempted a couple times before that but he was just not having it. But he had been acting interested in for whenever he saw any of us eat. So tried again and he loved it! He was mad when we took too long to get the next bite in.

He has gotten really vocal and loves to talk in his deep little voice and squeal at the top of his lungs.

He is so ticklish and does the biggest belly laughs when you really get him in his tickle spot.

He is so flirty and smiley! All I have to do is look at him and he beams.

He loves Tucker. Tuck will get up in his face and often too close but Benson just adores him. Hopefully it stays that way.

He is learning to like his car seat. We took our the infant insert a few weeks ago and adjusted it and he seems comfier in there. Less crying so that's a win in my book!

He is learning to grab things better and “plays” with his toys now. This stage is fun because hopefully he will start entertaining himself more.