
27 June 2016

Happy 2nd birthday, Tucker!

Two years ago from today, ours lives changed forever when sweet Tucker was born.

These last two years have been the most challenging, rewarding, love and laughter filled, exhausting, nerve-wracking, exciting, hilarious, happy, and BEST years of my life.

Tucker is the embodiment of joy (most of the time) and truly loves from the depth of his tiny heart.

He is a social butterfly. He will make friends no matter where we are. He always wants to be playing with the older kids and says hi to people, even if just in passing.

He is polite. He says “'scuse me” and “pees, mommy?” “oops sorry!” And then will often say “ank you, you're welcome” all in one breath.

He is flirtatious and has quite the sense of humour. He makes googly eyes at anyone who will try and then hides and pops back out to smile at them. He laughs from the very bottom of his soul. A loud, (slightly obnoxious) boisterous laugh. We don't know where he learned it but it always makes us giggle.

He is sensitive. He knows when people are feeling sad and recognizes that. “he so sad, mommy” or “oh no, he cwying” And a few times has even cried in the sad part of a movie.

He loves his family and friends. Pretty much every day he asks to see “gamma and gampa” or “where's Nana?” Or “I see ah-yee, Jeanie, jessi, keeby?” Or “we go shay shay's house?” Or will just randomly mention their names in his own language amidst real English “tessa! Yukas! Carter!” He really loves his people. Oh and he adores his baby brother, Benny.

He is incredibly smart. He will parrot anything you ask him and is speaking in full sentences. I'm sure he knows hundreds of words. He picks up on little things you wouldn't think or notice. He knows some of his numbers “1,2,5,6,7,9,10!” as well as some of his alphabet, “l,m,o,p” and “w,x,y,z” being his favorites. He knows all his farm animals and a few more jungle animals and knows what they say. His favorite animal is a cow. He knows “twinkle twinkle” and “head, shoulders, knees and toes” (especially the eyes, ears, mouth and nose part) He loves to color, loves cars and trains, the piano, and blocks.

He loves being outside. Whether it's digging in the dirt or sand, playing in the hose, swimming, running around, going to the park, or just riding in the stroller, the outdoors make him happy (just like his daddy).

He is a pretty picky eater and definitely has favorite foods. He like bread/toast (most days), berries, raw peppers, carrots, cottage cheese, cheese sticks, peanut butter (spoonfuls like mommy!), tortillas, chips, crackers, fruit snacks, treats (duh), watermelon, any kind of sauce or dip, fries, juice, milk, pizza, and pepperonis.

He has been a really good sleeper. He sleeps around 12 or more hours at night and usually a 3 hour nap in the day. He loves his crib and his pillow and blanket.

He is the size of a four year old! He's 38 inches tall and 32 pounds. He wears 3T, size 5 diapers when he's not in cloth (which is really just when were traveling), and size 9 shoe! He has a big head and all of his teeth besides a few molars.

He is sassy and can have a huge attitude (like every other toddler on earth) but can be so sweet and helpful as well. His new favorite thing to say is “I don't like _____!” Haha. You name it, he will profess his apparent dislike for it. Today when he woke up I told him we were going to the doctor and he says “No! I don't like doctors!” Sassy boy.

He makes my world brighter just by existing and I am in awe that he is my own. He's helped me love more deeply, put my needs and wants second, and learn patience. And even though parenthood is terrifying and I have a huge fear of ever sending him out into the world without me, I am so lucky to be able to have him to learn and grow with.

Happy Second Birthday, Tucker!! Love you to the moon. 

Benson at four months!

Benson is FOUR months!!

Time is flying and he is already a third through his first year! Can't believe that.

At four months Benny:

Weighs 17 pounds (80%) and is 26.75 inches (97%).

He wears 6/6-9 month clothing most comfortably. He can still wear some of his 3-6 month stuff though.

He still eats every 2-4 hours during the day and has recently started sleeping longer stretches (and through the night 3 times!). We've been letting Taylor top him off with a small formula bottle each night (I got some formula for backup in case I have to be gone and don't have any pumped milk). It's been so nice have a few extra hours of sleep!

He is SUCH a flirt! Since he started smiling, he does it all the time! You don't even have to do anything special to get him to smile. Just look at him and he will do a huge cheesy grin. It's incredibly adorable and will melt you. And don't even get me started on his giggles…i just love him!

He also started experimenting with his voice and its the sweetest thing. He will “respond” to you most of the time if you say something to him. And he has the cutest expressions to go along with his talking.

He still doesn't nap in his crib well. I recently got him this “magic sleep suit” that's supposed to help with their jerking reflex and train them to sleep still but it hasn't worked very well. Ha. The longest he will sleep in it is like an hour. So hopefully I figure something out for him before he starts rolling over because then we can't swaddle him at night either!

He HATES the car 90% of the time. He likes the stroller alright. He likes being in the baby carrier. Likes being outside. Loves kicking his legs like crazy. Lovessss milk more than anything. Loves being held and hates being left alone.

I'm thinking of waiting another month or maybe even two before starting food. I tried a little rice cereal yesterday and he still has the tongue thrusting pretty bad. I just don't think he's ready but that's perfectly ok with me!

Holds his head up really well and is pretty steady now. I swear he is going to be crawling next month, this kid wants to be mobile! He somehow moves himself from the places we put him in.

Losing tons of hair (cue crying face). He will probably be bald on top next month. He still has all the hair in the back, though! And he has horrible cradle cap that we can hopefully get under control soon.