
26 January 2016

32 weeks- 8 months pregnant!

My friend Heather took some maternity pictures of me and this is one! I only have this one so far but I'm excited to see others!

How far along: 32 weeks! Getting so stinking close.

Maternity clothes: Only every single day of my life.  

Stretch marks: Just old ones from Tucker.  

Sleep: Been getting more difficult for sure. But guys. Something miraculous happened last night. We went grocery shopping and when we got home I had a pounding migraine. It was around bedtime so we put Tucker in the bath and I took some Tylenol (and some benadryl and some zantac and my prenatal, ha) and Taylor told me to go to bed. I went and laid down and my eyes were closed before 10. I did not even move- no side switching or getting up to pee- until Taylors alarm went off! It was magical and as I've been super sick for months I really needed that uninterrupted sleep.

Best moment this week: We had planned on going to cheesecake factory Saturday to celebrate our 2.5 year anniversary a little late. We got there around 6:30- worst time ever. The wait was going to be 2 hours. We had planned on going to Ikea afterwards and so instead of eating a fancy meal we went straight to Ikea and ate in their cafeteria and shopped. It was silly and funny but I loved it.
I also got to take some maternity pictures with my friend Heather! She was so nice to take pictures for me :)  

Worst moment this week: I have been so stinking sick. No lie, I've looked back on these weekly surveys and I've been somewhat sick since November! Ah dang it. I am mostly better now, but I still have a nasty cough and sleeping is hard. Gotta get better before this boy comes!

Movement: Still beating me up on the daily! He is big and pushes really hard on my insides. I love it but sometimes I can't breathe!

Food cravings: Silk chocolate milk. Regular milk. Apples.   

Aversions: Not really.    

Queasy/Sick: Not other than the recent sickness I've been trying to get over.

Other Symptoms: Heartburn. Some contractions. Back aches. Tiredness. The norm ;)

Gender: BOY!

Labor signs: Braxton Hicks contractions but nothing like what they are supposed to be.

Belly button - in or out? Mostly out.

What I miss: Being not sick.

What I am looking forward to: My next growth scan of baby boy in a couple weeks! Hoping baby boy isn't too huge yet.

Milestones: 32 weeks, so my twice weekly appointments have started!

So at my first NST appointment baby boy passed his tests with flying colors. They also do amniotic fluid level monitoring to make sure there's not too much or too little. The fluid level looks great! I saw the doctor afterwards and we just chatted about how everything is going and then he measured my belly (fundal height). This is supposed to be close in centimeters to what you are in weeks of pregnancy. He measured and said “You're measuring pretty big.” Awesome. So at this point I am measuring at least 5 ish weeks ahead. This isn't the most accurate way to determine baby's size because it could be different depending on how he is sitting in there, etc. So they are anxious to see how he looks at my growth scan on the 8th of February. Sometimes with diabetic moms, if they have poor control, the baby will get too much sugar and will cause them to pee more (a common symptom of type 1 diabetes) and so there will be more amniotic fluid. BUT my fluid level looks great and my diabetes management has been good so this is not the case. He is just a big boy. So I asked what I could do at this point and he said to just keep managing my diabetes the best I can and to try and cut out some carbs so baby doesn't get too big too fast in these coming weeks.

They don't want to induce before 37 weeks because that is risky, so if he is really bug then the option of a C-section becomes “offered”. I really really don't want a C-section, but ultimately I want a healthy baby and to avoid the NICU if we can. So if it came down to it, I would choose a C-section over inducing earlier and risking a NICU stay.  

Lots of prayers for baby and I! These next few weeks will be hard but very exciting as we get ready to welcome our boy!

18 January 2016

31 weeks!

How far along: 31 weeks! Tucker came a month from where I'm at now!
Picture courtesy of my sister!

Maternity clothes: Yes yes and yes.

Stretch marks: No new ones.

Sleep: Pretty rough this week. I'm starting to get some insomnia.  

Best moment this week: I got to hang out with my girlfriends Tess and Hillary (and the babies got to play) so that was really fun! My friend Rachael had her twins! And I have few other friends that had their babies too! Makes me excited for the next two months to fly by. 

Worst moment this week: I was so stinking miserable sick this week. I couldn't breathe and so sleeping had been the worst and I'm still kinda on the mend.

Movement: He is so strong! And often is kicking me so hard out rolling so violently that it hurts! He likes to hang out on a certain side and I can feel him there and push him away. It's so weird to be able to feel his actual little body in there!

Food cravings: Bread still. Love bread. And milk.  

Aversions: Not really.    

Queasy/Sick: Not other than the recent sickness I've been trying to get over.

Other Symptoms: So much Heartburn it kills. I might ask if there is anything stronger I can take at my appointment next week.

Gender: BOY!

Labor signs: Braxton Hicks contractions but nothing like what they are supposed to be.

Belly button - in or out? Almost out! You can see it through some shirts if they're tight enough.

What I miss: Energy. Sleeping. Being not sick.

What I am looking forward to: My twice a week appointments start next week! I'm kind of excited but also slightly stressed because it is a lot of scheduling that I need to work out. But it means we are closer to having this baby!

Milestones: Less than two months to go!  

11 January 2016

30 weeks!!

How far along: 30 weeks! Single digits for sure now!

Maternity clothes: Anything loose and comfy is a must.  

Stretch marks: No new ones. The old ones have gotten a tad bit darker though.

Sleep: Just a lot of tossing and turning.

Best moment this week: Taylor and I went out to dinner and the BYU basketball game for Taylor’s birthday. We had sushi (I caved) and it was delicious!

Worst moment this week: I've still been feeling kinda cruddy sick still.

Movement:  He never stops moving I feel like! And I love it.

Food cravings: Anything and everything. Ha. Bread especially. In any of its forms.

Aversions: No, but I still won't eat yogurt.    

Queasy/Sick: Not other than the recent sickness I've been trying to get over.

Other Symptoms: Heartburn, especially if I don't take my zantac at the right time. Uncomfortable-ness.  

Gender: BOY!

Labor signs: Nope!  

Belly button - in or out? The top part has popped out and will look more popped out if I've eaten a bigger meal haha.

What I miss: Can't think of anything really! Maybe more energy??

What I am looking forward to: And my best friends are throwing me a little baby shower/party next month! (Fun fact: I've never ever had a baby shower! Tucker was born the day I was supposed to have my one and only shower, so I'm so excited about this!)

Milestones:  We are for certain in the single digits for weeks until he is here! So excited about that!

Other mentionables-
Baby is at (most likely over now) 4 pounds!

He is as big as a cabbage.

Almost 16 inches long.
Baby can see!

He gets the hiccups multiple times a day. I can tell he is still head down from how I feel him hiccuping so low every day.

Moved all the furniture into his room and just have to decorate and get a crib mattress!

We STILL haven't decided on a name- it will probably take us the entire time to decide.

04 January 2016

Tuck is 18 months old!

It's time for the quarterly update on our Tucker boy!

I know I say it every single time, but I seriously cannot believe how much time has passed and how he is changing right before my eyes! He's a whole year and a half and that means we are closer to adding our second little boy to our family!

At 18 months, Tucker:

Weighs about 27.7 pounds is about 35.75 inches tall!
(can you even believe this baby of ours was born five weeks early?!)

He sleeps at least 12 hours every night (sometimes more) and has recently (within the last month) made the transition to one, 2-3 (a couple 4!!) hour nap. We try and have our bedtime routine started around 8 and have him in bed before 9, but we often don't meet this goal. This is probably why he sleeps till at least 9 every morning! Gotta get on that and refine our schedule a bit.

He has been walking since about 14 months and a few weeks after that, has been running everywhere.

Within the last couple weeks or so, he has figured out that he can climb onto our dining chairs and then onto the dining room table! Not my favorite. And he knows he isn't supposed to, so we try and keep a stern eye on him anytime he is in the kitchen.

He is a pretty picky eater. He definitely has his "favorites" of things but I got so frustrated at him not eating things and dictating the menu that I tried implementing a new philosophy that I read about of "You don't have to eat it." So whatever I give him, he can eat it or he cannot! I leave it up to him and let him know whenever that's the plan.
He will usually have some toast and fruit and sometimes yogurt (depending on how much I am feeling up to giving him a bath afterwards) for breakfast. This kid loves bread and fruit. I swear 80% of his diet are these two foods. Lunch is usually a modge-podge of whatever I can come up with. Sometimes I'll cook something and sometimes we have what we call a "snacky" lunch. For dinner we just give him whatever we are eating. A lot of times he will refuse the main part, but he usually gets enough with the addition of side dishes.
His favorite foods are: bread, grapes, cuties (little oranges), raisins, crackers, bananas, turkey pepperonis, mac n' cheese, apples (he will just take bites right out of the apple!), yogurt, goldfish crackers, carrots (mainly cooked but he likes eating them raw as well), cottage cheese, homemade pizza, craisins and pretty much any other dried fruit, green beans, french fries, and of course, fruit snacks.
He loves drinking from his camel back water bottle (and momma and daddy's as well) and drinking from straws. We give him mainly water, but if we happen to have juice I give him a extremely diluted version in his sippy. I think he mainly likes the color and the slight change in flavor.
He is still getting bottles, but we have cut out most of them in the hopes of having him "weaned" by the end of the year. He only gets one, very small bottle in the morning- lately I have only been giving him this if he didn't have much of a breakfast, and he also gets a bottle before bed. This bottle will probably be the harder of the two to cut out. I'm sure he will be fine and will probably exceed my expectations, because he normally does. But I am so weak for his little voice saying "baba" every night after he gets out of the bath- he just knows that's what has always come next!

He knows the following words: mama, mommy, dada, daddy, nana, shay shay, zachy, tess, jess, luke, Alli, grandpa, grandma, curtis, "nane" (Jane), Jesus, sock, socky, shoe, please, walk, go, up, wee, yucky, peekaboo, stinky, ew, yummy, noodle, book, toe, tickle, baba, brush, wash, tummy, knuckles, duck, dog, rock, juice, cracker, cookie, chocolate, apple, push, ball, bagel, glasses, buckle, hat, dear, show, baby, puppy, sassy, naughty, santa, ho ho ho, all done, wow, oh yay, no way, no no no, don't, oh gosh....probably some more I'm forgetting.

He knows what the dog says, what the duck says, what's in mommy's belly (baby), what santa says, what the cow says...(we're working on sounds- he has a harder time connecting the words with the sounds at this point), how to sign "all done", how to fold his arms and "pray" (we've been praying as a family at night before putting him in bed for a while now. He will kneel down if you ask him and can fold his arms. He was really good at being quiet the first few weeks but now he has a hard time sitting still so the prayer usually lasts like a minute or less. He will occasionally stop throughout the day and fold his arms and bow his head and start quietly mumbling and then look up and smile and giggle. Love his sweet soul.)

He knows where to find: face, nose, ears, eyes, hair, head, mouth, tongue, teeth, tummy, leg, fingers, hands, arms, toes, foot, cheeks, bum, belly button and we're working on: elbow, heart, knee

He follows commands pretty well. I have realized he understands more than he can communicate (obviously). If you ask him to do something, he normally will- or knows how. (i.e.- "Can you bring me that book?", "Where are your pajamas?", "Let's find a toy.", "Grab my hand.", "Let's walk down the stairs.", "Wash your tray (tummy, hands, face, etc).", "Go tickle daddy!", "Can you pick that up for me?", "Take this to daddy!", "Go show daddy what you have!", "Can I see what you have?"....and more obviously. But it's nice to know that he at least understand a big portion of what we talk about.

He loves: going to the park and going down the slides and swinging (whenever he sees the park he will say, "Oh wow!" and says "Weeeee!" before even going down the slide), running free anywhere he is given the chance (whether it is outside in our backyard, an open field, the grocery store, mall, etc- he loves to run and run away fast!), books (he will say "Book!" and point to his book shelves every single morning when I go and get him out of his crib. I always put a book in his bed at nap time and sometimes catch a glimpse of him "reading" on the monitor when he is laying quietly in there), he loves hiding (he will crawl up the stairs when we aren't looking and disappear and become quiet. i will go upstairs to find where he has gone and he will often be behind the rocker in his room, in his closet, my closet or tay's closet- and he will wait till i say "Where did Tucker go?" to pop out and squeal), being thrown in the air or onto the love sac or jumping off things into the love sac (tay's fave, mine not-so-much fave), sparkly things and things he is generally not supposed to play with (i.e. Christmas tree- hence why there are no ornaments on it this year.), dancing and music, playing the piano, any and every kitchen utensil, hiding things, climbing on the couch and chairs, pillows or any kind of softie, his buddy Luke and having play dates, tickling anyone, and many many more things!

He is learning how and will attempt: putting on his shoes, getting dressed (he helps us so much more), using fork or spoon, being gentle, to color.

He can: clap his hands, wave hi and bye, give high fives, do fist bumps or as he/we call(s) them "nookles" give kisses and hugs, give baby brother (momma's belly) kisses, dance, play peekaboo, open baggies, close doors, comb his hair, walk down the stairs (terrifying!), brush his teeth.

I never want to forget the fun, happy boy that Tucker is. This stage is definitely challenging at times, but is also so, so fun. He is so sweet and will give me loves and kisses if I ask but is also full of fire and excitement- which sometimes results in injuries (mine or his). He wakes up so happy every morning and laughs the majority of the day. He is such a fun boy and he has truly made our lives so much more exciting. I am excited (and anxious) to add another baby (BOY!) to the mix and am really curious to see how he does, but I have no doubt that these two babes will become the best of buds and we can't wait!

We love you, Tucker bud!

-My computer hasn't been working, so I do all the uploads to my blog on my phone. And so all my pictures are from my phone- and not the best. Hopefully we can figure out the computer situation and I might be getting a newer phone that takes better pictures- hooray! Until then, here are a few of the cute pictures we've gotten in the last while.- 

29 weeks!

How far along: 29 weeks!

Maternity clothes: Yes, but not all the time. As you can see in the picture above, that is definitely not a maternity shirt. But if I'm going out of the house I am usually wearing one.

Stretch marks: I feel pretty confident saying no. Moisturizing has definitely helped and I don't think I am growing quite as fast as with Tucker.

Sleep: It has still been pretty rough. Lots of getting up to use the bathroom and I've been sick and had trouble breathing and swallowing without phlegm (ew gross sorry) so that hasn't helped.

Best moment this week: We went to the family cabin for new year's eve with Tay’s family and that was a lot of fun! Taylor got in a lot of snowboarding and some sking and Tucker got to sled and I got to rest (a little;) so everyone was happy!

Worst moment this week: Tucker and I getting sick again. So many times this winter!

Movement:  He's a wild wild baby! I find it so entertaining getting to see all the movements and Taylor has been able to feel a lot as well.

Food cravings: Baked potatoes. Rhodes rolls. French fries. So clearly no carbs ;) But also salad and vegetables too so there is a tiny bit of balance.

Aversions: No big ones lately.   

Queasy/Sick: Just with the cold/cough Tuck passed on but it's pretty much passed.

Other Symptoms: Heartburn. Sore back. Tired. Frequent trips to the bathroom. Dry skin.

Gender: BOY!

Labor signs: Nope!  

Belly button - in or out? The top is popped out almost completely!

What I miss: Sleep.

What I am looking forward to: This baby getting here!

Milestones: Reached the final trimester last week!

I had three different appointments today (not including Tucker’s well check) and so it was a busy day! My MFM (Maternal Fetal Medicine) appointment went great! All my vitals were where they wanted to see them and the perinatologist was so optimistic that I'll carry the full 39 weeks. She kept saying how great I was doing and how awesome everything looked, which makes me feel good, of course. Baby is head down and already about 4 pounds! Which is a couple weeks ahead of where I am but he is proportionally perfect- with a big head, too. ;) So they are not really worried about that.

My endocrinologist appointment was quick and good as well. My A1C went up only .1 and sits at 6.3 now. My goal is to make sure it doesn't get above 6.5 this pregnancy.

And my OB appointment was routine as usual. They just were saying things right along side with what MFM had to say, so there was not much surprise there. In three weeks starting at 32 weeks I will start my twice weekly NST (non stress tests). So it's about to get really busy. These next 10 weeks are going to fly!