
28 September 2015

15 weeks!

How far along15 weeks!

Total Weight Gain/LossAbout five pounds. 

Maternity clothes: Everything still fits so I'm not too worried about having actual maternity clothes yet. 

Stretch marks: No new ones I think! 

Sleep:  Not too bad. Still getting up a million times to pee which is my least favorite. But I am sleeping so I guess I can't complain...yet ;)

Best moment this week: We made a lot of yummy dinners this week. That was pretty good I guess. Haha. I can't really think of another best moment. 

Worst moment this week: It was a pretty emotional. Some hard things happened and I had some sad moments. Everything is fine now, but man, being pregnant makes you way more prone to tears. Haha. 

Movement: I think I actually have been feeling real movement! It's small and subtle but familiar at the same time. 

Food cravings: This is going to sound gross, but toasted Bologna sandwich. Shayla and I used to make them when we were younger. It's toasted bread, miracle whip and Bologna. Then you'd put BBQ chips on the sandwich. It's actually really good. Hahah. And I may have gotten the stuff to make it....we'll see if it's as good as I thought it was. 
I also made some coconut curry shrimp yesterday for dinner and that was really yummy. 

Aversions: Yogurt 

Queasy/Sick: Probably the best week so far. I've still had a couple days where I felt pretty nauseous but on the whole I have been feeling more "me"! 

Other Symptoms: Weird dreams. Hungry in the middle of the night. Super tired. 

Gender: I am thinking its a boy still. Taylor says girl. I think we might find out next week! 

Labor signs: Nope!

Belly button - in or out? In. 

What I miss: Feeling not-exhausted on the daily.  

What I am looking forward to: We have an ultrasound next week and we might be able to find out the gender then! 

Milestones: Almost 4 months pregnant! Holy cow this is flying by. Feeling first real movements this past week! 

21 September 2015

14 weeks. (+ 15 month Tucker update!)

How far along14 weeks!
(Bump pic to come when I take it:) 

Total Weight Gain/LossA few pounds I think. 

Maternity clothes: Wardrobe hasn't really changed yet. Still opting for comfort though! 

Stretch marks: Don't think so! 

Sleep: It's not terrible but not awesome. Haha. I'm just tired of having to wake up to pee or getting low blood sugar in the night...that's the worst! 

Best moment this week:  We decided to go on a little camping "vacation". Taylor took work off on Friday and we drove to Boulder Mountain and stayed at Lower Bowns Reservoir camping grounds. We were the only ones at the designated dispersed camping area (where you don't have to pay) and that was so nice! We ended up bringing Tuck with us and so I was nervous how he would handle it. He had a blast playing in the dirt and rocks and trying to walk into the reservoir. When it came to be night time it got super cold and I was worried he wouldn't sleep or that he'd freeze. I was even bundled up in two layers on both halves and with two or three blankets- the same thing we had for Tucker. Taylor woke up around 2 because he was cold. He checked on Tucker and he had kicked off all his covers. Tay tucked him back in and that woke him up. We decided to bring him on our bed and he fell asleep immediately on top of Taylor. Tay was so uncomfortable though because he kept tossing and turning his head and putting his hand on his throat. Haha. Eventually Tuck rolled off Taylor and we bundled him up on the mattress next to Taylor. He is a wild sleeper! He tossed a lot in the night (which is typical) and he was talking in his sleep (saying his name!) and tooting, too. Haha. He's a cutie. My favorite moment was when he was waking up in the morning. He had been tossing for like 10 minutes and was laying folded in half on his face with his binky in going "ohhhh. Ahhhh" haha. He finally decided to wake up and lifted his head up and from under the covers to look at us. His little eyes were so sleepy and squinty and he was so happy! He had a full nights rest and greeted us with cute smiles and giggles. Taylor was happy, too, because he got a full night of cuddling from both his buddies! ;) 

Worst moment this week: The best was also the worst. The camping trip got slightly stressful at points because we got lost and then banged up our car a bit. By the end I was exhausted! We all were. Nothing like coming home to your comfy house and bed!  

Movement: I could swear I felt something while we were camping. I've read that it's possible to feel your baby this early but it's hard to differentiate between baby and gas. Haha. It felt like a tiny flutter though, so who knows!  

Food cravings: Doritos. Slurpees from 7/11 (they had BOGO going on and Taylor and I decided to get one. Sour patch watermelons-the yummiest sour candy- flavor. Oh man it hit the spot!). Cheese and crackers. Also, we had over ripe bananas so I made some muffins and they were amazing. I didn't find a recipe I liked so I just made one up. Here it is: 

Banana Oat Chocolate Chips Muffins

1 stick softened butter
3/4 cup white sugar
Around 1/3 cup brown sugar
(Cream these together, then add...)
3 very ripe bananas
2 eggs
1.5 teaspoons vanilla (I just add whatever I like but that's probably close)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
(Blend together)
I just added flour till I got the consistency I wanted. I'd say add around 1.5-2 cups 
Hand stir in- 
1 cup old fashioned oats (not quick oats) 
Semi sweet chocolate chips (I just sprinkled some on top and pushed them in so they have just a little taste of chocolate. I had enough batter for about 15 muffins. In the 3 extra on the second batch I added extra chocolate chips and they were very chocolatey and delicious.
Oven: 375 degrees 
Spray your pan cups or use liners. Bake for 12-15 minutes or until golden around the edges. 
Serve warm with some butter and milk or cold! Enjoy! 

Aversions: Yogurt. Some eggs. 

Queasy/Sick: It hasn't been too bad this week. Mostly good. I have still had lingering nausea but for the most part I can deal. Driving home from our trip was rough- coming down the winding mountain. And Sunday I felt really cruddy. 

Other Symptoms: Crazy and vivid dreams for the last few weeks. Headaches. Acne- lovely ;) Back aches. Forgetting EVERYTHING. A couple weeks ago we went to the store for one thing and came out with everything but the one thing and I realized it when we were walking to the car and I had to go back. Most frustrating thing. If it's not written down- ain't gon happen! 

Gender: I have all the classic wives tales 'symptoms' for boy. But I feel so different from my last pregnancy so I don't know! I'm just going to go with boy because that's probably it! 

Labor signs: Nope!

Belly button - in or out? In. 

What I miss: Having energy! 

What I am looking forward to: Our 16 week hospital ultrasound where we will hopefully find out the gender! 

Milestones: This baby bump has kinda started to pop! I still feel mostly bloated and chubby though. Ha. Looking forward to that cute bump stage before I turn into a larger than life version of myself. :) More than 1/3 done with this pregnancy! Crazy! We will have another babe in less than 6 months! 

Tucker is 15 months today! I decided after one year, I will periodically update on him every three or so months. 

He has his checkup + shots this week and we will know for sure what his weight and height is. I think he is probably around 34 inches tall and 24/25 pounds. That's my guess but we will see how close I am this week. 

Tuck finally started walking a little before he turned 14 months. He has gotten a lot more confident and is now running around all over the place! He walks just for the heck of it. I love it. 

He has gotten very picky at meal times and it is always a guessing game of what he will eat. Mac n cheese is usually a winner, along with bread and crackers and fruit snacks. Hopefully he gets over it soon!

He can say- mama, dada, hi, bye, no, yeah, toe, tickle, stinky, poo, shoe, duck,  ew, Tucker, shay shay, nana, cracker, cookie, dog, ball, oh wow, and probably some more I'm forgetting. 

He calls shoes and socks "tickle toes". 

He loves hiding things in obscure places. We've found shoes in kitchen drawers, our phones and shoes in laundry baskets, and today I found a plastic fork in a container of baby wipes! 

He is great at mimicking Taylor and I and has got a funny little personality. He squeals and giggles all the time. 

He loves playing with his buddy Luke, collecting and eating rocks, bath time, being chased by dad, flipping backwards in dads arms, being outside, dogs, books, 

We love him more all the time and I'm so excited to see him as a big brother! 

The best is yet to come. 

14 September 2015

13 weeks!

How far along13 weeks!

Total Weight Gain/LossA couple pounds last time I checked. But that was before a week of yummy food with my family so hopefully it's still on track. 

Maternity clothes: Been wearing a lot of big tshirts and sweats- per usual. Everything still fits but I am going for comfortable here, people! 

Stretch marks:  No new ones!

Sleep: IM SO TIRED. Haha. All. The. Time. No amount of sleep ever seems like enough. And Tuck has always been such a good sleeper but lately he's been wanting to take less naps. I still try and get his two naps in but I'm not always successful. I feel like I depend on that downtime for rest, even if I'm not napping. Hopefully he'll stick with two naps for as long as possible!  

Best moment this week: We got to see my brother Zac and my dad who were both in town. We had a little BBQ at our new house with my family and it was a nice little housewarming and fun to hang out and show off our little place. We also finished painting the main areas of the house and have started making it more homey, with hanging pictures and stuff. Super exciting to get all nested. Oh! And I got to go to Red Robin this week. Burger and fries- I would never say no to that!

Worst moment this week: Hmm. I'm having a hard time thinking of a "worst" moment. I got a new calling in church as a Cub Scout Webalos den leader- and it's going to be the most demanding calling I've ever had! Ha! Hopefully it won't stress me out too much and I can't be a good help in that area.  

Movement: Nothing yet but I'm sure I'll be feeling some soon! I felt Tucker as early as 15 weeks! 

Food cravings: I'm all over the place really. Burger. Fries. Veggie sticks. Chips and dip. Veggies and dip. Pasta salad. Watermelon. Cupcakes. (I had all these foods this week and they all were hitting the spot.) 

Aversions: Yogurt. Eggs. Meat cooking. 

Queasy/Sick: This week has been the best I've had in a long time. I dare say that the light at the end of the nauseous tunnel is coming into view? 

Other Symptoms: Mostly being so tired. And grumpy/hormonal. Other than that and the occasional crampy/stretching feelings, headache or nausea it hasn't been too bad this week.  

Gender: I go back and forth. This week I think girl! ;)

Labor signs: Nope!

Belly button - in or out? In. 

What I miss: Sleeping through the night without having to pee.  

What I am looking forward to: My next doctor appointment! It's at the beginning of October and I believe in getting an ultrasound where we might find out the gender! Exciting stuff! 

Milestones: I'm now in the second trimester! Yayyy! 

07 September 2015

12 weeks!

How far along12 weeks!

Total Weight Gain/LossFinally found the scale! I've only gained like 2 ish pounds (I think) according to our scale. I'm hoping that's pretty close to accurate! I have a doctor appointment tomorrow so we will find out! 

Maternity clothes: Not yet but I've got my eye on a few things. Everything still fits so I'm not worried about it yet. 

Stretch marks:  No new ones!

Sleep: Oh man. This week was rough. I didn't get very many nights where I felt rested. And a couple were down right awful. Also, we went to bed pretty late a few times this week. Gotta stop doing that.  

Best moment this week: We took our announcement pictures with Hillary on Monday and announced a few days after that. It was a lot of fun and we got some really great shots! And I was just excited to finally have the news out there. The first part of pregnancy just drags on for me for more than one reason and not telling people helps contribute to that I think. 

Worst moment this week: I got really sick this week and threw up. We think that Tucker might have had a little bug. *sidestory*- Tess and I wanted to go to Ikea so we loaded the boys up in my car and drove off. Neither of them had napped and Tuck didn't eat very much that morning. I thought it was him just being difficult. Well, as we are about to exit I could hear him cough and Tessa then says, "Ohhhh he's throwing up." It was bad. So so stinky. And there was no where around where we were within reasonable distance that had any children's shirts. And because I brain dead half the time, I had no clothes. So we pulled in a Walgreens parking lot and I cleaned him up (while saying 1000 silent prayers that I not throw up too) and we still decided to go to Ikea with my sicky nakey baby. We got some looks but he was exponentially happier after he was sick and so I thought he might've just had something in his tummy that didn't sit well with him. That evening when we got home I put him in his crib for him to sleep and I got in my bed- I didn't move from that spot in my bed for like a day. Tay came home and took care of Tuck and I was feeling so sick. That was the worst night of sleep maybe ever. I just kept feeling like I needed to throw up and couldn't. I woke up the next morning and finally did and felt so much better. Taylor gave me a blessing and that really helped too. Then my mom came over in the late morning and stayed till Tucker went down for his second nap. I'm so lucky to have so many people to care for my little family! 

Movement: Baby definitely IS moving in there but I just can't feel it yet. I am so excited for this part of pregnancy though! 

Food cravings: The two days I was sick, all I wanted was toast and ritz crackers. That seemed to help my stomach. 
We also bought these Veggie Straws. I'm sure you've seen them. They're made from veggies but they're like potato chips almost. So much healthier though. So I thought since I have been craving chips that these would help satisfy the craving without driving me off the deep end. They definitely have done that! 

Aversions: Yogurt. Eggs. Some vegetables. 

Queasy/Sick: It's been a rough week. But I have some medication that I think is really helping. 

Other Symptoms: Sooo tired lately. More naps were taken this week. I've been having some round ligament pain- like cramping or stretching. Headaches. My back hurts a lot. But my back hurts on normal days too, so that might not be a symptom. Waking up 3 times a night to pee. Forgetting EVERYTHING. Even Taylor is forgetting things now! ;) Crying at any given moment. All the fun hormonal stuff, ya know? :) 

Gender: Probably a boy. Hoping for a girl! 

Labor signs: Nope!

Belly button - in or out? In. 

What I miss: Having energy! Sleeping through the night. Not being sick. 

What I am looking forward to: My doctor appointment this week to hear the heartbeat. The second trimester. Finding out what our baby will be! 

Milestones: Telling the world we're having a baby! 

Update- I had both my appointments today (endocrinologist and OB) and got some updates info. 
I sent Taylor a text with all the stuff they told me, so I'll just quote the texts:
"Just got done with my doctor appointment. They said all my labs from last time look great. My blood pressure was good and haven't gained any weight yet which is fine. The baby's HR was 160 bpm which is awesome. We talked about appointments later down the road and keeping this babe in as long as possible. I'll be induced for sure by 39 weeks if we have a normal sized baby that hasn't come yet by that point. 
I'll usually have ultrasounds every 4 ish weeks. So if I get to 36 weeks and the baby is already huge then they would talk about inducing around 37/38 weeks so that I can have the best chance for a vaginal birth. They'd do that for me. They want to avoid me having a giant baby just as much as I want to. 
He said I have good odds for having another successful vaginal birth because I've already done it with a normal sized baby. And because I'm taller my torso is longer and my hips are better capable to carry a bigger baby. They just don't want it getting bigger than like 9 pounds." 

So hearing all that was super reassuring. I also asked about my odds for getting preeclampsia again and he said they were slightly higher but being a first time mom last time made them even higher than now. So that put my mind at ease a little bit. 
My endo visit went really well, too. My A1C was 6.1% which is fantastic and all of my numbers have been good lately. I am in the market for a new pump so I am trying to do my research and we are trying to decide when to make the plunge. Pumps are a huge expense so I have to make sure I pick a good one! The one I'm considering comes with a continuous glucose monitor, which is a separate thing that I wear and reads my blood sugar every five minutes and sends it to my pump. Super cool and apparently easier to get if you're pregnant. So hopefully we make a decision soon!