
09 October 2012

it's about time.

guilty. you caught me red-handed. i plead the fifth.
i'm a bad blogger.
i'll be better, i promise.
now that we got that awkward apology out of the way, let me catch you up to speed...
precursor: i have so much running through my head that this might be a post of scrambled-egg thoughts.

time has a funny way of sneaking up on us, doesn't it?
you can know exactly what you're doing, where you're going, and what you're going be in one instance
...and in another- you don't even know your right from your left.
do you ever have that feeling inside of you where you feel like you have so much to say and so much you want to do, but you just don't know how? gosh, that is me. at least it has been lately.
my mind and heart are constantly on overdrive

i've reached this point in my life where i feel like some big decisions are going to be made and changes are going to sneak up on me- whether i'm ready for that or not. exciting, right? well, if it didn't scare me to death, then i would totally agree. i, for one, think i handle change pretty well. but for the most part, the changes that i have adjusted to in the last while have happened just because i had no other choice. but i think the changes that will happen sooner-than-later in my life will be because i have to make them. woah. heavy.
all great changes are preceded by chaos. -deepak chopra
couldn't have said it better myself. whether the changes are good or bad, the thick and unfamiliar haze that surrounds them are more often than not chaotic. i feel like i should be an expert at chaos by now. right?
i guess we'll find out.

this past weekend was General Conference for my church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
(if you want to learn more about the 'Mormon" church and what it's about/listen to any of the 'conference talks, you can go here)
there were so many great things that we were able to hear this weekend. i had so many favorite talks, i can't pick just one. but i did take a lot of notes, so i'll just share of my favorite quotes throughout. 

sometimes all i wish and hope for is that God would just tell me what i'm supposed to do with my life...where i'm supposed to go...who i'm supposed to be...who i'm supposed to marry, etc. you know...those hard decisions in life. but then i take a step back and think, well then what's the point? isn't that why we're here? to live? and it's on the days that "ain't all peaches and cream" that you find out who you really are.
"Satan does not need to get everyone to be like Judas. He just needs good men to think of themselves as sophisticated neutrals." -Elder Whiting
don't wish it were easier, wish you were better.
we are capable of so much more.
something that i learned this weekend during conference and something i'm beginning to realize is that i am capable of so much more. God believes in me, my family believes in me, my friends believe in me...
-why shouldn't i be able to believe in me?
i'm learning this. i feel it more and more each day i wake up and take on a new day.
i am capable of so much more.

if you know me, you know that i am impatient. i am terrible at being surprised (if i know there is a surprise). sometimes i like to think of the future as a surprise. i feel like i have an idea of what i want to accomplish in life. but do i know how? when? where? with whom? nope! and that's all a part of the surprise. i know God blesses us. He is also pretty good at surprising us, too. but as i mentioned before, i'm terrible at surprises.
"the Lord's delays may seem long. Sometimes they last a lifetime. But they are always calculated to bless us." -Henry B. Eyring 
the Lord will take care of tomorrow if i take care of today. i truly believe that.

i lied to you before. i do have a favorite talk. it was one given by my favorite speaker, Jeffrey R. Holland.
if you spare time, i couldn't think of a better way to fill it. you won't regret watching this.
the message rocked me to the very core.
"the call is to come, stay true, love God, and lend a hand...your Father in Heaven expects your loyalty and your love at every stage of your life. to all within the sound of my voice...the voice of Christ comes ringing down through the halls of time-asking each one of us while there is time, "Do you love me?" and for every one of us, i answer with my honor and my soul, "Yea, Lord, we do love thee." and having set our hand to the plow- we will never look back...until this work is finished and love of God and neighbor rules the world."

"kara, I recognize you not by your title- but by your life. the way you're trying to live, and the standards you're trying to live. i see the integrity of your life. i know you are trying to be better. i know you weren't always successful, but i believe you honestly tried. i believe that in your heart, you truly loved me."

uncertain times lie ahead, but i have faith.

just remember- the best has yet to come.