long time, no blog! i feel the need to apologize for my lack of keeping this updated. life has just been so amazing, it's been difficult to find the time to find what i want to write. but i have been thinking about it for a while, so here goes...
this is a story all about how my life got flip-turned upside down.
one year ago, this happened to me:
i've said it in the past, and i'll say it now, cancer did nothing short of change my life forever. i could go on forever and a day telling you about my experience and all the little details (that of which i would do if you asked). but what i've learned has come to me after this experience. my appreciation for life, for health, for family, for friends, for God. it has all been magnified times a million. not everyone has to go through a trial such as this to find these things out, but i feel like for me, cancer definitely helped me in realizing how great my life actually is.
let's take a trip down memory lane, shall we?
this was the day i found out about my diagnosis.
(let me tell you, i've never had so many people like my status thus far in my life.)
i think that this is foretelling of how the next few months of my life were going to go. the support was out-pouring. it really does amaze me. i had an epiphany last week, actually. i was just thinking about the whole experience, the little details, which i don't do very often. the amount of people that reached out to me blows my mind.
i feel like sometimes i forget. i don't want to forget. i'm not going to forget.
meet kara: pre-cancer
i know i've told the story before, so i'll spare the details. but this is the first time i ever got chemo. i'd like to think that i kept this attitude the whole time. i didn't ever really doubt that i'd beat cancer. i knew i could do it. getting through it would be the hard part.
meet kara: during cancer
i'm not going to lie...i hated this haircut. i hated it so much actually, i buzzed my own head three days after i got the cut. this is the link of me buzzing my hair off, if you're interested in watching (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPYBbjwL8YA&feature=youtu.be)
G. I. Jane? you have no idea how good that felt.
looking through these is probably one of the greatest reminders of how much people care.
(look at all those likes!)
but in all seriousness, i don't think it's possible to realize how people truly feel about you until they are put into a position to display their support. this was that for me. i had no idea people cared about me so much! also, it's really awesome to look through now and realize how fast time has passed me by. how i did this in less than a year! i'd like to think it's my greatest accomplishment.
meet kara: after cancer!
so here we are. present day. it's foreign to me to think that this whole experience has already passed me by. it's been a year since cancer and i have been acquainted. i know that this will be a life-long journey for me. i don't intend on forgetting anything.
look how cool my life is! it's hard to believe that i can be this lucky, this blessed.
and this isn't even half the pictures i wanted to put up.
i was healed. God took my hand and led me through this entire experience. i'm more aware of His influence in my life. i have greater testimony of the fact that God loves me. i have a greater appreciation for my amazing family. i don't doubt my strength now. i am strong, and i can do anything that is placed before me. my future is bright. i am going to take hold of every experience possible and live my life to the fullest. i can't wait for the future. my life is just beginning. #winning
ready, get set, GO!