
30 April 2011

this one yellow flower field.

let me just start off by saying- modeling is awkward and i've never really enjoyed it.
yesterday, one of my very dear friends and i had a "photoshoot". after he found out i had cancer, 
he offered to take pictures of me before my hair fell out, or before i cut it.
i have had just about every hair length imaginable.
i grew my hair really long my freshman year of highschool and then cut about 11 inches for Locks for Love.
and then i grew it out again and did the same thing my junior year.
so now, here we are. i have been "working" on growing my hair for a while now, and it has finally started to get long. 
but now, due to the circumstances, i am having to say goodbye to my long locks once more.
and what an excellent opportunity, i thought, for me to donate it. 
my ponytail is exactly 10 inches...which is the minimum length requirement for Locks for Love.
funny how things work out, huh? 

i knew from the start that my hair was going to fall out and i didn't really think much of it.
and here i sit. 
more and more of my hair is falling out each day, and it's definitely a reality check.
i know it will grow back.
but i would be lying if i said that i wasn't nervous about it.

expect some pictures of it sometime soon.

yesterday was absolutely the perfect day.
here are a few of my favorites from the day. 

thanks again, andrew. :]


  1. You look beautiful girl! And keep staying strong! :) And tell me your favorite teams and I can send you some cute hats!

  2. Thanks Ashley! Hmm, my favorite teams? Uhm BYU for sure! And I like the Atlanta Braves, but other than that I dot know any others really. Haha. And my head it pretty big. Hahah. Thanks so much! :]

  3. kara ann, you are one amazing lady . thank you so much for your wonderful example. i am truly blessed to know you . love you tons keep up the wonderful attitude.

  4. Your pictures are gorgeous kara! You are just so prettttyyyy. And i'm sorry about your hair, it's really tough. But if anyone can pull off a head of lost hair its you. You're awesome, see you soon ;)

  5. These are beautiful pictures! He is very talented and you did a fantastic job are quite the natural. You are a gorgeous young woman!

  6. thanks guys! i dunno if i agree with the whole "being a natural" thing. but thanks anyway! haha. and thankkkk youuu laura! i miss youu!


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