
09 March 2011

sweetie pie.

dear ladies and gentlemen,
i maybe, might, quite possibly, be addicted to marvel heroes gummies.
they are vitamins and are magnificent.
i feel extra super healthy all the time now.
and you know what's pretty miraculous? i have not been sick one solitary time since i've been in college.
thank goodness, because if i had, it would not have been pretty. i would need my dear sweet mother here to wait on me hand and foot and bring me juice and make me toast while i sleep all day.
that would not be able to happen here, so it's definitely a blessing that i have been healthy for so long.

speaking of healthy...
this magical shampoo is...magic.
supposedly, it's suppose to help your hair grow faster. and i'm convinced that it is going to work for me. my hair is already getting pretty long, and my roommates say it grows fast, but i'm not convinced. i'm crossing my fingers that i will have long, luxurious hair before next fall. but! i have noticed that my hair is much softer because of it! so, even if it may not work like Miracle Grow, it will keep my hair soft and healthy.

in other news...
me, laura, andi, taylor, nellie, and probably a few others are participating in Lent.
The purpose of Lent is to be a season of fasting, self-denial, Christian growth, penitence, conversion, and simplicity. Lent, which comes from the Teutonic (Germanic) word for springtime, can be viewed as a spiritual spring cleaning: a time for taking spiritual inventory and then cleaning out those things which hinder our corporate and personal relationships with Jesus Christ and our service to him. (

so what are we giving up, you ask?

and no, silly. not just cupcakes.
and no, i do not eat cupcakes often enough to give them up.
however, we figured that this would be the most challenging thing to give up.
the cannon here at BYU always has yummy desserts, so we are exercising our self control and saying "peace out!" to the sugar. i went the almost whole month of January without desserts, so if we could go the 40 days that Lent lasts, I will definitely feel accomplished. my sister-in-law Jamie pointed out that "desserts" is "stressed" spelled backward. this is so relevant and pretty funny too. but! we will not let the stress control us. we will eat carrots or celery instead!! ;] (we are, however, giving ourselves a few "breaks" instead of doing the breaks on Sunday, which is customary during Lent. we'll have a break for laura's fake birthday, my REAL birthday, and an end-of-the-school-year-celebration.)

1 comment:

  1. the horse shampoo. pahh. i'll have you know that i used that back in the day. when i used to be obsessed with my pony; i used his shampoo all the time. it was way cheaper then regular. dude. i was so ahead of the trend.


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