
03 March 2011

summer. future. and the biebs.

what's the first thing you think of when you see this picture?

(or at least that's what i think of)
the weather these past couple of weeks has been so bipolar. it kinda reminds me of that song by Relient K, "High of 75" anywho. it's pretty crazy. the other day, it got so warm that i even sweated. yeah, that's kinda gross. but the fact that it was warm enough outside to make this happen is crazy. and it was still february. but then the next day it snowed. like 7 inches. then all the snow melted and it got warm again. this pattern has be consistent for a while now. however, this has put into my view the "light at the end of the tunnel"

it's march.
holy guacomole.
when the heck did that happen?

seriously. i feel like just yesterday i was graduating, laying out in the hot, dry provo heat, hot tubbing with good friends, sleeping on my friends' wyview couch for countless nights....etc. and now i'm about to finish my second semester of college.

this semester has proved to be a true stressor. there have been times when i thought i was going to pull my hair out. but even though a few tears have been shed, countless hours have been spent in the library and sleep has been lost, i have enjoyed this semester. i'm starting to realize that at the end of the day, no matter how crappy the day's been, or if i didn't the score on a test or paper that i wanted, that i am still worth something. i am important. and realizing that has helped me to feel better about myself.

i'm getting really excited about the up-coming months.
visits from friends.
moving out...moving in.
finding a job.
entering my last year of teenagerism.
fun trips.
new experiences and opportunites.

i filled out an application to work here. i think it would be a very fun job. but no worries, there will be countless other applications being filled out. i want to have as many opportunites/options as possible.

and here's when i start to get excited...
this is the camp that i attended every summer consecutively from age 14-17.
i have always, always thought being a counselor would be nothing short of amazing. sadly, the minimum age for overnight counselors is 20. but here's the good news. next summer i will be 20 along with my very good friend Andi (and Alycia, if she decides to come). we have started working out plans/wishes/goals for next summer. it might seem a little unrealistic at the moment. but i'm not just going to count it out, because it would be an opportunity of a lifetime. so. the coming months will tell with this situation. there are many details to our plan... so if things work out, a full, detailed description will be given. :]

moving on.
i feel as though i need to mention a certain someone...
and if this picture doesn't clearly show who i'm talking about, here's another little photo for your viewing pleasure...

apparently, he' a pretty big deal. he has this new 3D movie, NeverSayNever, that has become an overnight hit. i have a lot of friends who have gone to see the movie. and ALL of them have said how "life changing" and "touching" it was. so i am definitely considering seeing it...i may not have "bieber fever" just yet, but i just might become a "bielieber" sooner than later...

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