
25 August 2010

BIG day.

the grand essentials of happiness are:
something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.
-allan k. chalmers-

that is totally me right now.
i'm definitely about to be doing a lot.
i'm for sure loving everything and everyone i've been coming in contact with lately...or at least trying. ;]
and i have so much to hope for.

tomorrow is a big, big day. it's one of those days i've looked forward to for so long. tomorrow i'm moving into my college dorm. i'm officially going to be a college girl. when i was a little girl, i would imagine this day over and over. i would think about how cute my dorm would look and how nice my roommate would be. [and both of the previously mentioned are for sure true.] it's such a fun feeling getting to have your own space and make it you. and being somewhat independent is nice, too. i've been kind of living out of living out of boxes for the past two months. so to be officially moved into a space will be soooo nice.

wish me luck!

22 August 2010


i miss my best friend.
i miss home.
i miss the piano, like actually sitting down and playing the piano.
i miss Boomer.
i miss the park and movies with my friends.
i miss my momma's home cooked meals.
i miss my old bed.

i love Utah.
i love the weather.
i love the shooting stars.
i love the beautiful sunsets.
i love the people i've met and the friends i've made.
i love being [somewhat] independent.
i love BYU.
i love the Utah random but amazing thunderstorms.

i can't wait for college. i can't wait to meet new people. i can't wait to learn new things. i can't wait to have some of the best times of my life. i can't wait to be enlightened. i can't wait to experience. i can't wait to actually be occupied by a regular schedule. i can't wait to be happier than i am now. i can't wait to live.

11 August 2010


So if there's moral to it, I would say that you can't be afraid to give your best, even when everyone tells you that you can't and all the odds are against you. When things seem to be rolling in your favor, that is when you must decide carefully, and go steadily and straight in the direction of your truest potential. There will always be the few that stand out against many. And in that case, especially you.

these next two weeks are going to be different.
things are changing, and i haven't decided how i feel about it yet.
...but for now, i'm looking forward to this weekend...

05 August 2010

quote of the day.


it's been a weird/long day.
i have the sniffles.
it's been raining off and on for the past three days.
[the lightning is beautiful.]
i start school officially in 25 days.
i got to see my parents for the first time in a month last week. :]
summer term is about to end, and i'm going to miss my friends a lot. :[
i had some really amazing french toast this morning from kneaders bakery. yumm.
i haven't watched a movie lately without falling sleep.
i think i'm getting my hair cut tomorrow? bangs?