yes, folks, that's right. i've gone public. i debated for a good while whether or not i wanted to be a part of the masses and start blogging. some good reasons i came up with for finally jumping on the bandwagon are:
#1- my free time now has grown in large quantities due to idle time at work and free time at home.
#2- i've always enjoyed reading others' blogs and thought maybe some of you would get a kick out of reading mine.
#3- ...and even if no one is actually going to read this, it will be a great way for me to expell a lot of the thoughts i have going on in my mind.
and finally,
#4- i mean, it wouldn't hurt to i'm giving it a go.
Even if this is a total waste of time, maybe somewhere along the way you might find out something you like. and hopefully i'll get the hang of this blogging thing and get better at it. so hang in there!...because it might take a while. ;]
"Some people say they haven't yet found themselves. But the self is not
something one finds; it is something one creates."
-Thomas Szasz-